I agree with your logic MNMT. there are just a ton of variables when these little buggers nest. For example like the one where if there was a lot of little chicks making noise around nesting hens they equated that with the hens leaving the nests as a population control factor when pheasant numbers were really high. Go figure!
The peeping chick thing around nesting hens, one of those cases where some student or some dumb #&*@ is guessing. What a screw up of nature if this where true.
For instance a nest will take about 24 hours once the eggs start hatching. Never all at once. Then there is a another few hours of chicks drying, gaining strength then the hen slowly moves off the nest calling the young chicks constantly. NO! she doesn't leave the nest as she hears the first peep from her chick or a passing brood.
Always so much crap one has to sort out on these studies.
I would have no problem leaving standing grain straw in a field. Actually I would leave some standing with the grain on.:thumbsup: