Peyton Manning as a Hated Denver Bronco

Hmmm . . . Manning went from horse shoes to the whole horse . . .
Well Tebow is a New York Jet now. If anyplace can screw him up it will be New York. I am sure he will have to pray for Rex Ryan on a daily basis. Wait till the New York media gets a hold of him a few times.
I think it's funny how Peyton didn't do try outs for interested teams.

Now:eek: He sez " I have a looooong way to go" :)

I thought Denver was fun to watch with Tebow at QB. I hope Tebow goes to the Super Bowl and payton still has a loooooong way to go. :cheers:
Well now with Manning I am sure Bowlen will increase my ticket price again!!!!!!!! After making the playoffs this past year, they went up 7 bucks a seat!!! They usually don't increase until we do well!!!! Can't wait to see next years price increase!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek: