Pay for it yourself

The Vikings owner didn't even want to pay for half:mad: Make taxpayers pay for your stadium, and what will they get in return love boat parties, overpriced babies:confused: F U Wilf:D Will he give taxpayers 56% of the profit? NO. I can watch your sorry butt team on cable don't matter where they play. What ever happened to you have an idea for a bussiness you pay for it? What i can pay 10000 for farm ground and make the taxpayers pay for 56% Because I buy stuff in town. Sorry guys we need to stop giving handouts to the rich.
Nice try Coot. Just trying to get under our skins aren't ya...:rolleyes:

Ok, I'll take the bait..

The Vikings owners are willing to put forth 50.6% of the funding for the new stadium. Revenues from other events will be shared with the state/city. This of course doesn't take into the account the new jobs connected to the stadium or the revenue to local business surrounding the stadium site.

The biggest thing that I don't understand is these legislators can't seem to grasp this, not to mention that if we lose the Vikings it will cost more than likely double to ever get another team back.

There are you happy now that you got a response.
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Coot, At most the Vikes will play 13 games per season in the dome.
MN high school state football will play 28 games per season in the dome.
MN Gophers baseball play 38 games per season in the dome.
There will be political conventions in the dome.
Regional NCAA basketball will play at least 14 games in the dome.
Final four in 4-5 years.
Big time stars such as Adele will sell out the dome.
For the Red Necks plenty of Monster Truck Stuff. :eek:
Spring boat and travel weekends will bring in 10 of thousands of "spending" people.:cheers:
Super Bowl in 2016 or 2017.
A event virtually every week.

I won't mention some 20,000 directly related full time quality jobs in the construction of the new dome. With an estimated 90% of materials will be furnished locally.
Nor the 50 some millionaire players and 250 full time front office and staffs. 21 coaches, and about a thousand part time employment. Most all have homes or apartments in Minnesota. All pay MN income tax, all make good $$$ and pay a ton of sales tax, gas tax, etc etc.

If the Viking Corp moves out of MN it will be the biggest Corp $$$$ wise that has ever totally left the state.

Side note;
Coot,:) Adrian Peterson will pay more taxes this year then you and I together along with a bunch of others will pay in our lifetimes. :eek:
Show me the numbers. Costs vs benefits. There have to be some spread sheets out there that show the projections for five, ten and twenty years out. If it is a profitable investment for the state, then put it to a vote. If it is not, then put some money onto our roads and schools, where I can see my tax money at work. I can watch losing teams on TV anytime.

You would think that if were such a profitable venture, investors would be lining up to get a share.
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I think MNMThunting pretty much summed up the cost vs benefits to the state and city. You don't need to be a bean counter to realize that.

As stated previously, if the Vikings moved, and the state would ever want to get another team here, the cost of doing so would more than double what any new stadium deal would be now. You combine that with the lost revenue if they move and it makes no sense. We fill that ridiculous dome to capacity game after game, year after year. The Vikings ARE the big ticket in Minnesota professional sports. We even draw a few in from our neighbors to the west and south.

The Twins get a stadium but the number one draw (Vikings) have to take a back seat. :rolleyes:
And Still! there are so many things I left out!:eek:
Downtown MLPS would nearly collapse, The Light Rails system would lose is #1 Gameday destination. What about all the media coverage flying in/out, wining/ dining blah-blah blah.
10,000 thousands of motel/meals/taxi's,drinks.
So what about the lay offs from all the service related stuff?
Want to talk charities, these millionaire players bring in millions.
Hate the NFL? sure:rolleyes: what about all the lost jobs and relocation?
birdshooter;108790. You don't need to be a bean counter to realize that. :[/QUOTE said:
Actually you do, to make a rational decision based on facts. Money is a scarce resource. More scarce for some than others. Money spent on bread and circus decreases the money available to spend on schools, roads, healthcare (Things that are actually the concern of state government). If it is such a good deal, it can be proven and voted on by the citizens. If it is just a good deal for those who like the Vikings, it will probably not pass a popular vote. I am fairly sure every proposal for a stadium includes the numbers needed to illustrate the value of the Vikings to the state. I want to see the numbers before scarce resources are committed and tied up for years to come. If the proposals all require state money to be profitable, the proposals may not be such a good deal for the tax payers.
I see your point, but this is not just a winning proposition for those that just happen to be Viking fans of which there seems to be plenty of by the way. This goes beyond that, as MNMThunting stated you have local businesses that will flourish because of money generated from the stadium and the thousands of jobs alone that will be created especially in this economy is huge. Other cities around the country have done the same thing and successfully I might add.

If put it to a vote and the people decide they want no public money used than I for one would be fine with that. The people have spoken, you live with it. Unfortunately politicians don't always do what they were elected to do, work for the people who elected them.

It would just be a shame to lose them, then find out later what huge financial loss it was, not to mention being a fan and then have to pay much more to attract another team IF your lucky enough to get the chance.
These State politicians I hope know what the consequences would be from losing an NFL franchise, they can't be that dumb:eek: can they?:confused:

I think, just like the last 5 years or so the new stadium debate has gone on. Politicians want to keep their jobs, probably most would have a hard time in the private sector.:( So they sweep the stadium thing under the rug, thinking "we'll get something done next year"
Fact is The Rose Bowl is getting ready, 97,000 seats, largest market in the USA, has hosted 6 superbowls.:)
If significant progress isn't made on the new dome in MN look for the Vikings to leave Mankato after camp and head West.:eek:

I believe time has run out.
If it was so great a deal where are the investors? Vikings should open the books for all to see. Then the taxpayers can make a sound decision:thumbsup: Still haven't answered my ? why Wilf can't pay for it himself with investors. Minn has plenty of sites to hold all the events already. Alot of money for 8 home games. Why don't they sell junk shares like the Packers:thumbsup: Great fans should be more then welling to play to keep the team.
I heard rumors that Elko MN was going to get a 7/8 mile Nascar Track. I think some would drive much farther for that then a Vikes Game.

They are having the race at Kansas Speedway today. I am not a fan but let me tell you it has been great for this area. We have a minor league baseball, soccer stadium, water park, casino and of course Cabela's:D all because of the raceway.
They are having the race at Kansas Speedway today. I am not a fan but let me tell you it has been great for this area. We have a minor league baseball, soccer stadium, water park, casino and of course Cabela's:D all because of the raceway.

Who paid for the raceway?
I'm sure taxes paid for the Lion's share. I wasn't a fan in the beginning, but let me tell you that everything in that area spawned from that racetrack. Nebraska furniture mart, Cabela's, Great Wolf Lodge, The Legends Shopping mall, T-bones stadium, Livestrong soccer stadium, a half dozen hotels, Hollywood casino, and Cerner. They have made it work. It has been great for the area.