Pay attention to the signs...


Super Moderator
Just got home from the Heart Hospital in Amarillo. Had a Stemi heart attack on Wednesday. Flew me in on LifeFlight and two hours later had a stint in my artery.

Please pay attention to loss of breath, tightness in throat and chest, and weakness in BOTH arms. Not something I want for anybody. I'm good now and will begin to get ready for the season. Just wanted to tell all to watch the signs and symptoms.
Thank you for sharing this. We old guys need advice like this. Wishing you a FULL recovery and many happy hunting seasons ahead.

Glad you caught it in time. Prayers said for a full recovery.

The world is a better place with you in it. Stay around for awhile, please.


Just got home from the Heart Hospital in Amarillo. Had a Stemi heart attack on Wednesday. Flew me in on LifeFlight and two hours later had a stint in my artery.

Please pay attention to loss of breath, tightness in throat and chest, and weakness in BOTH arms. Not something I want for anybody. I'm good now and will begin to get ready for the season. Just wanted to tell all to watch the signs and symptoms.

Glad to hear it worked out for you--thanks for the info--: get well and hunt em up--

dc ---a sneaky little devil :)
I'm very glad you recovered and had quality treatment in a timely manner.

I had mine a couple of years ago. Not something I found amusing.

Be well.
Glad to hear Jim!

Stent technology is really pretty amazing. I got my first 21/2 years ago. Had another stress test on July that indicated more blockage and scheduled another angiogram in August. Underwent the procedure and discovered it was a false positive stress test. While it was expensive, I have peace of mind knowing every artery going out of my heart is in good condition and I don't have to have the wife following me around out in the field again this year like last. :)
JIM, Glad to hear you caught it in time and knew what was happening! It is great info to share and glad you are still here to share it with us!! Get better soon!!
Stick with us JMc.;) Glad to hear everything turned out the way it did.

Just out of curiosity--how long does it take (average) to recover from such a surgery, and will you be able to be as active as you've been in the past?

Actually feel much better. Had 90% blockage in one of two coronary arteries, so nearly 50% more blood flow feels good. Went back to work (1/2) day yesterday through We'd., then as I feel from there. Only things bothering me is groin area where they entered and three different IV areas. Meds are causing some headaches but Dr. says body will adjust.

As for hunting...I worked my boys Taz and Jax this evening. Feel like I could hunt with anybody tomorrow.

Thank you guys for all the kind words and thoughts. I've been in education for 32 years...unfortunately, everybody now knows I have a heart...:D
I took your advice to heart this week. Had a stroke walking up the hallway of school last Tuesday morning. Trying to get my head around this.
Thanks for sharing and Godspeed to you. Hope your recovery is quick and successful.