Patent attorney needed


New member
I have an invention, a new camo pattern, and i'm wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of a patent attorney who can relate to the outdoors and hunting. I'd like them to be able to relate to the idea in some way and to actually know what camo is. If you have any recommendations, please let me know.. thanks
Can't help you w/ your request....just wanted to give you a KS welcome to this fine site:thumbsup:

Good luck in your quest.
Patent attorney's are a rare duck. The good ones are limited to a handful per metro area. You need to be prepared to spend some serious cash upfront and periodically as the patent process advances. I would estimate a minimum of $15000.00 and probably higher. It will give you limited protection, each country has to be registered individually, with a few exceptions, and if a Chinese manufacturer knocks you off, nothing will protect you, anywhere. Other knockoffs will have to be defended by your dollars, again. The other thing you might consider is copy right protection, which is usually a "written word" type of coverage. Which is much easier, cheaper and might give you essentially the same coverage, a whole lot cheaper. I am not an attorney, just a layman experienced with the process. Good Luck.
Why not just try and license your pattern with a company already making camo patterns and sit back and collect a royalty?

Because a patent grants royalties to anyone trying to use the camo patterns. One company can screw a none patent holder, by leasing an Idea. IE bend over rover. :)
Forgot to mention there are design, (invention), patents and "use" patents which is what you would need to insure, in theory, no one could use your design. More expense, and time. If patent proves to be the way to go, maybe take in some investors and spread the expense and risk.
I think there is a website called LegalZoom that may help you. Google it and good luck.
I have an invention, a new camo pattern, and i'm wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of a patent attorney who can relate to the outdoors and hunting. I'd like them to be able to relate to the idea in some way and to actually know what camo is. If you have any recommendations, please let me know.. thanks

There is a patent attorney in Scandia, Kansas, named Jeffery Thompson of the firm Thompson & Thompson. I have no idea what he charges, whether he is a "good" patent attorney or not, whether you will think he's a good patent attorney or not, and, moreover, it is possible he is a shirt tail cousin as he grew up in my mother's home county where nearly everyone is related to me, however remotely. Good luck.
patents are a good idea but you are never really covered by thenm as all it takes is 1 little piece of anything different and then you have lost it they can copy your idea just by adding or taking away a little morsel of what your idea was
patents are a good idea but you are never really covered by thenm as all it takes is 1 little piece of anything different and then you have lost it they can copy your idea just by adding or taking away a little morsel of what your idea was

not exactly. that's one of the reasons we have patents to protect from the guy who says I changed one little thing so I can steal your idea. It doesn't work that way.

I wouldnt worry about the attorney knowing anything about the invention, in this case camo. You want an attorney that knows something about patent LAW.
Before hiring an attorney, you must try to explore some basic knowledge of patent process. By knowing and understanding the basics of this issue along with exploring the aftermath actions and counteractions would help you in understanding the traits which you will be looking in any patent attorney. This website will give you more information.
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I have an invention, a new camo pattern, and i'm wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of a patent attorney who can relate to the outdoors and hunting. I'd like them to be able to relate to the idea in some way and to actually know what camo is. If you have any recommendations, please let me know.. thanks

Why do you want the attorney to "relate to the outdoors and hunting'?

That's like wanting your doctor to relate to hunting and the outdoors rather than just knowing his craft. The type of product or idea doesn't matter in the patent process but knowing the laws and the procedures does.

Find someone who knows that they are doing. There are literally a million attorneys many of whom will tell you they can do patent work. Only trust the ones who specialize in it and have actually gotten patents successfully filed and accepted.