Parkston, SD Area

Heading to Parkston Area to hunt November 24-29. Have our room booked and got the SD Atlas in the mail last week. There is 6 of us going with 2 dogs. Was debating between this area, and Kimball. Parkston just suited us better for lodging arrangements. Mainly going to be hunting public lands but have a possibility of getting on private depending on timing. Anyone ever hunting this area? There seems to be decent amount of public lands to hunt and we are going to use our first day to scout around and get a game plan for rest of stay. Thanks
Heading to Parkston Area to hunt November 24-29. Have our room booked and got the SD Atlas in the mail last week. There is 6 of us going with 2 dogs. Was debating between this area, and Kimball. Parkston just suited us better for lodging arrangements. Mainly going to be hunting public lands but have a possibility of getting on private depending on timing. Anyone ever hunting this area? There seems to be decent amount of public lands to hunt and we are going to use our first day to scout around and get a game plan for rest of stay. Thanks

If it were me I would focus on the new CREP lands next to corn. The cover is excellent. Apparently there is 80,000 acres or so a long the Jim River.
Some of it's not that great yet. Make sure you do your scouting. By that time of year there shouldn't be much corn left next to fields to focus on. Most should be picked before then. Also landing right in the middle of east river deer season. So don't be surprised if you walk into a slough and find nothing as deer hunters may have hit that same property in the morning.
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In the early season I found decent bird numbers on public land south and west of Parkston -- on my way to and from private land hunting further to the SW.
