We went out again today. It helped that it was cooler, but the wind was blowing hard still.
In our first spot Indy pointed a pair of hens, and we had a rooster get up wild.
The second spot was a hedge row with milo planted on one side, wheat stubble on the other. My pup Indy lost his mind when a couple of pheasant flew out of the trees, and he them blew the rest of them out. But we did get a covey of quail a little farther up.
We hunted a small patch of CRP that 1/2 of it had been baled. We put up 3 rooster there but did not really have reasonable shots.
Had to call it a day early then. Indy had a cut on the front leg that I had to staple, and Ace had a foot bleeding at the same time.
Came home, got everyone patched up.
The weather was about as bad as you could have for opening weekend, but looking at all the posts it seems like we are in for a tough season.