Opening Weekend

Ping me sometime when you are going to be in KC for a tournament or something. Maybe we could meet up and exchange lies over a cold one.

Will do Nick. We are done for the year now of course. Well, I guess they are heading to Dallas this weekend for a tournament.
We went out again today. It helped that it was cooler, but the wind was blowing hard still.

In our first spot Indy pointed a pair of hens, and we had a rooster get up wild.
The second spot was a hedge row with milo planted on one side, wheat stubble on the other. My pup Indy lost his mind when a couple of pheasant flew out of the trees, and he them blew the rest of them out. But we did get a covey of quail a little farther up.

We hunted a small patch of CRP that 1/2 of it had been baled. We put up 3 rooster there but did not really have reasonable shots.

Had to call it a day early then. Indy had a cut on the front leg that I had to staple, and Ace had a foot bleeding at the same time.

Came home, got everyone patched up.

The weather was about as bad as you could have for opening weekend, but looking at all the posts it seems like we are in for a tough season.
I hope the dogs recover quickly Setternut. Ya know things are bad when both dogs are bleedin'!

Our opening weekend experience was very much the same. Very few birds and very poor hunting conditions. Not many folks will be intersted in hunting here this year.
all the birds I took this weekend were very old birds and I saw a lot more roosters than hens which is not a good sign. its going to be a very long season.
I hope the dogs recover quickly Setternut. Ya know things are bad when both dogs are bleedin'!

Our opening weekend experience was very much the same. Very few birds and very poor hunting conditions. Not many folks will be intersted in hunting here this year.

The dogs are going to be fine. Being a bird dog is not for wimps, thats for sure.
Saw your other post, nice going getting the kids out and into some birds.

all the birds I took this weekend were very old birds and I saw a lot more roosters than hens which is not a good sign. its going to be a very long season.

We actually saw a lot more hens than roosters this weekend. More than twice as many hens than roosters.
Well thats good you saw a lot of hens but I was in NC and I saw 9 total pheasants all weekend and 7 were roosters. I was able to bag 2 saturday and 1 today and I hunted hard and long all weekend. One of my good buddies did decent in NW KS walking the grass and milo fields. He said five of them saw over 100 birds and got 17 total on saturday not sure how they did today.
Dang I killed 1:cheers:7 Saturday by my self. Made it over to meet GCB. He my dad and I each killed 2 in his back yard.

Oh sorry I mean beer not birds. Had fun meeting Gove.