One of the Guys Again


Well-known member
Just wanted to let everyone know that I gave up my duties as a Moderator on this site. I was a Mod long enough. Actually feels good to be just one of the guys again and not having to patrol the site.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I gave up my duties as a Moderator on this site. I was a Mod long enough. Actually feels good to be just one of the guys again and not having to patrol the site.


THANK YOU. You were a very good moderator- level headed and even tempered. Didn't play favorites ever, either. :10sign:

See 'ya around the forums.

Thanks for moderating and enjoy the site as before.
One of the guys

Thanks for a job well done. I'll contact you early Nov. about hunting near Altamont. The blizzard of 2014 messed us up last year. Hope you are doing well.