New & Used from WI, MN & SD


Active member
Hello again,

It has been awhile since I have been hear but am exciting to participate once again in the best pheasant forum in the country.

For those of you that don't know me I live in Lakeville MN, also have a place I enjoy bow hunting in Arcadia WI, and have a farm I managed for wild pheasants only in Charles Mix County SD.

As an occupation I assist sportsman and women in finding authentic wild bird hunting experiences in South Dakota and once we find them a place to hunt we try to always make sure they have a place to hunt if they want.

I do most all my own habitat work on the farm and this year I got away from cash rent on the crop acres and got into a shares arrangement so I could better manage and control the crop acres side of the farm. I guess "farmer" is my next new career.

FYI, Webguy and I go waaaaay back and he has helped me alot with my my pheasant business.

Welcome Back Chris, It will be wonderful reading of your pheasant outings
Glad your back:beer:
Good to hear from you, Chris. Sounds like things are well with you and hopefully your family as well. I haven't been around much either but my dad asked me to say hello to you when I got on here. He's fighting 3 cancers now (2 stage fours) and he doesn't have the stamina to hunt anymore but we got him in the field for a couple short walk-alongs last week. Here's a pic.

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Good to hear from you, Chris. Sounds like things are well with you and hopefully your family as well. I haven't been around much either but my dad asked me to say hello to you when I got on here. He's fighting 3 cancers now (2 stage fours) and he doesn't have the stamina to hunt anymore but we got him in the field for a couple short walk-alongs last week. Here's a pic.


Hey John, good to hear from you and good to see a pic of you and the old man. Give him my regards and tell him he looks pretty good!

Hey John, good to hear from you and good to see a pic of you and the old man. Give him my regards and tell him he looks pretty good!

Yeah, he looks pretty spry in that pic. He's had a rough year though. I'll tell him you said hello. Btw... I caught your Faulkton/Platte Creek videos. Very nice. Those boys did some pretty fair shooting.