new to the site

I have been reading the site for a couple of months, and have enjoyed it.
I decided to join after my last trip to kansas.
And to add my experiances to the other threads.
Tucker and I welcome you! You've picked a great site to join. The folks here are just super and willing to help at any time. Looking forward to hearing from you often. Headed to the other threads to view your reports. Hope you have some pics too, we love em.:cheers:
Welcome to UPH, Tell us more about yourself. What other upland birds you hunt? What dog and gun do you use to hunt those birds?.......Bob
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I hunt with a 1 yr old yellow lab.
She has had some professional training.
I have hunted in Kansas for 12yrs.
Mostly NW.
I shoot a Beretta O/U Silver Piegon.
I just returned from a hunt last weekend.
I agree with some of the posts about "Crunchy Snow."
I could not sneak up on the coveys of pheasants. But I had good "young dog work" from Hens that sat tight.
I also hunt doves, and quail.
Thank you I appreciate the write-up. I hope we see a lot of you here on the forum.....Bpb
Welcome Dog, glad to have you . Where in Colo. do you live? Did not realize we had this many crazy bird hunters here!!!!!:cheers:
Welcome yellow dog! I hunt with GSP's but am the proud owner of a yellow lab myself. Enjoy the site!