Hello, I stumbled upon the site as I was looking for release dates in Ohio. I must say this is great site for like minded bird hunters. I have read many forums, but never have joined one. I have hunted practically all of my life from the time I was 16 in the western part of PA, then we moved to SC where I hunted deer by day and coons by night. There I got into the coon dog industry if you will, and raised many redbone coon dogs and competed on the national level. Then God changed my direction in life and I dwindled out of the coon dog world. Recently we moved to Ohio and the bride God gave me bought me a GSP. I took on a new challenge and started training her and have had pretty good success so far,( although I don't have much to judge her by).
Recently I took her with us to WI, there I snuck away from my wife's family gathering and hunted the Badgerland Pheasant Preserve, What a great facility and even better people. The little girl pointed along side my brother in laws 9 yrold English pointer
So that's me, hope to meet up with some of the other Ohio dogs and their faithful 2 legged companions along the way.
Recently I took her with us to WI, there I snuck away from my wife's family gathering and hunted the Badgerland Pheasant Preserve, What a great facility and even better people. The little girl pointed along side my brother in laws 9 yrold English pointer
So that's me, hope to meet up with some of the other Ohio dogs and their faithful 2 legged companions along the way.
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