I just read that in 2020 PF was part of the acquisition of over 6,000 acres that were put into permanently public use....what a terrible organization to support. What do they do or not do, that is so against what you fellas want? If you are upset that they assist on creating habitat on private that you don't have access to, get over that, where else should they do it? If it were only on public ground, it wouldn't be much habitat at all (there just isn't much of it), the public ground is already looking great, PF was very likely involved in the establishment of it. I hope your reasoning for your lack of support is that there is already an overabundance opportunity and birds already and you don't think the birds or yourself need any more of this kind of lame help. If you want something different, join your local chapter and volunteer (yes, they are volunteers) to be on their board, that is where the decisions are made. In my thinking, a group can make more difference than individuals. So, unload, what specifically is the issue with PF? Just trying to understand this negative attitude toward them by other pheasant enthusiasts....or maybe you are just a hunter, then I could understand easier, it is all about you, not so much the birds, but that is OK, we aren't all passionate about this.
Remy - I'm pretty sure you are a member of PF Corporate or friends with someone at corporate.
My issue is with the fact that very little is done in KS - by all appearances most of the habitat projects you speak of are likely near the PF HQ -- and funny of all places -- the PF HQ is in MN? When is the last time MN has been in the tops of any list in Pheasant harvest figures -- Cold day in hell before I'd ever plan a pheasant trip to MN, you know the state is just covered up in public land opportunities for pheasants
Secondly my other bias comes in from one of my dear friends dealings with Corporate -- he's a land manager for vast holdings and manages for birds -- corporates behavior leaves much to be desired - he too does not deal with them on anything and has better luck dealing with the NRCS office. It's also astounding the ways PF has to collect money -- they somehow get their fingers in the pot and collect funds off of Lesser Prairie Chicken initiative funds - no idea how - all they do is administer the payments per my elementary understanding of the process -- but seems ridiculous they have anything to do with it.
Again - I dont hunt pheasants out of state - for now no reason to and frankly I've shot enough of them to be happy here - I like quail and prairie chickens for the dogs. Ducks Unlimited has done more for upland bird habitat in the state of KS than PF could ever dream of doing. PF's management at the corporate level should all be fired and replaced and their HQ moved to a state that actually has huntable populations of pheasants in it.
Lastly the banquets I volunteered at on the QF side were just a drunk fest to get donors that really dont hunt much at all to have a schlong measuring contest and see who could throw around the most money - maybe it was just the chapter I helped with I dont know - the corporate guy was only concerned with how the funds were going and didnt show up to help for anything - not sure what he was paid for anyways. I volunteered on the board and helped with the banquets for 4 or so years and had enough plus had a child so had better things to do. There was nothing they were doing to engage younger people at all - the vast majority of attendees were 50 plus -- I was in my late 20s to 31-32 or so when I stopped helping - maybe 33 or 34 -- almost 41 now - so have been away for some time.
When I see they have an initiative to open up hunting opportunities and turn over their corporate mgmt I'll hop back on - until then I'm sitting out.
************EDIT -- Addition*****
Seriously - Kudos to the Chariman of PF for his business success -- but the chairman of PF is a big city boy running a marketing firm? -- I've dug into the leadership before - but wonder why they are out of touch with who should make up their membership or many folks like me who have turned away?
The CEO - again - living in MN - his only experience is in the non profit world
Another standout - Dax Hayden from CO -- one of the biggest proponents of commercialization of hunting via his Hayden Outdoors and his likely relative of Mike Hayden who is part demon and started the commercialization snowball that has been talked about in depth on the KS forum
Not one person of diversity -- color or minority on the board of leadership - ya know - only white people hunt
one Woman -- the other is the secretary - how 1950s.
Remy - take off your rose colored glasses for once.