New from OK


New member
Hello all,
I'm located in central oklahoma. Born and raised here, lived in Alaska for 8 1/2 years and came back 2 years ago. I have a 10 year old Draht and a year and a half old gwp. In Alaska I hunted grouse, ptarmigan, hares, and jump shot some waterfowl. I didn't grow up hunting and I'm not very good at it, but I mainly do it for the dogs anyways. My kids are getting old enough to go with me and they're my main hunting pals. Hope to learn a few things on this site.
I live in Okeene, Ok (check out my posts on the Oklahoma site). I'll be hunting Drummond Flats at Drummond, OK ( about 65 - 70 miles from Edmond) Friday Jan 31st. (last day of season). This will be my 25th time hunting the Flats this season. If you can make it give me a call at (580) 614-1372 and we can hunt together. I have a 5 yr old GSP named GunnR. My name is Monte Michaelson.
You live in a state with some very good public land to the west, it was a very solid year. Pray for rain and a repeat and go explore!
My only time hunting out west is when I drove to Woodward to hunt Cooper WMA. Spoke by phone to the Sr. Game Biologist for Cooper he told me that the Quail population this season was the best for many yrs. Upon that advice I made the 72 mile trek. Well, I must of hunted the wrong area because I walked for 2 hrs straight w/my GSP and not one covey, notta! It looked like very good cover but no birds found. I blame myself as it was my first trip to Cooper and I know there is approx. 30 thousand acres. Haven't returned.
Hey Monte,
Thanks for the contact and the invite, whether I can go or not will depend on if I can wiggle out of work that day. I'll let you know if I'm able to. I went up by Lamont and hunted a few of th OLAP properties 2 weeks ago. Right as we were fixing to leave a farmer stopped and told me we could hunt his quarter if we wanted. It was textbook pheasant ground. We didn't see any roosters but saw a lot of hens. I'm in Blanchard.
Sounds good, let me know. Went out this a.m. quail hunting around Okeene and GunnR pointed a covey and of course, as usual, I missed.
I usually hunt in the morning, so if you can make out to Drummond whatever time is best for you I'll meet ya.
I live in Okeene, Ok (check out my posts on the Oklahoma site). I'll be hunting Drummond Flats at Drummond, OK ( about 65 - 70 miles from Edmond) Friday Jan 31st. (last day of season). This will be my 25th time hunting the Flats this season. If you can make it give me a call at (580) 614-1372 and we can hunt together. I have a 5 yr old GSP named GunnR. My name is Monte Michaelson.
A number of years ago I used to make the drive out to Beaver, OK and shoot prairie dogs. It was a great time and every once in a while I would jump some quail.
Welcome to the site. If you found hens, there are roosters nearby, hunt harder and have faith in your dog.
Thanks for the welcome. One of the questions I had that brought me to this forum, was if I found hens did I just miss the roosters, so that's good to know. Also, would you be willing to expound on what you mean by "hunt harder"?
That was our first time hunting pheasants, so even just seeing some was fun.
Thanks for the welcome. One of the questions I had that brought me to this forum, was if I found hens did I just miss the roosters, so that's good to know. Also, would you be willing to expound on what you mean by "hunt harder"?
That was our first time hunting pheasants, so even just seeing some was fun.
Hunt harder means, get in the game, don't just meander around aimlessly.
Hunt harder to me might mean going over some areas where you’ve already been. Go back to them. Maybe you walked by a bird? If you walked the edges , try the middle too, and visa versa.
Go where other people don’t. I avoid hitting the same property the next day, successful or not. Always pinch the property if possible.
Take notes and write it down. The weakest ink is more permanent than the strongest mind. Property changes, learn to adapt.
Hunting is mostly instinctive. God bless and hunt harder.
I'll keep those in mind next time, thanks for the tips.
Wind River,
Those are some good ideas. It hadn't occurred to me to take notes or write anything down. I like that idea.
Thanks guys for your time and willingness to reply
I can't speak to Oklahoma, but I often find areas where the roosters have been pushed off (or harvested) by other hunters. Plenty of hens, no roosters. It was private land, but maybe he allows others to hunt it.

I also find that roosters tend roam more than hens, during the day. They could have roamed to further edges, harvested fields, or other properties already by the time you hunted the property that day. You have very long hunting hours in Oklahoma. One approach would be to hit it very early in the morning and very late in the day.
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I'll keep those in mind next time, thanks for the tips.
Wind River,
Those are some good ideas. It hadn't occurred to me to take notes or write anything down. I like that idea.
Thanks guys for your time and willingness to reply
Pheasant are a blast and I’ve shot my share in Oklahoma over the years, but you have some excellent public quail hunting in your state. This year was the best since 16-17, I personally never had a strike out this year and made a point to try some new properties. Learn how to navigate one of the hunting apps and hit the road man, I came to Oklahoma for 14 day trips this year, shortest drive was 2 hrs., worth every penny!
Pheasant are a blast and I’ve shot my share in Oklahoma over the years, but you have some excellent public quail hunting in your state. This year was the best since 16-17, I personally never had a strike out this year and made a point to try some new properties. Learn how to navigate one of the hunting apps and hit the road man, I came to Oklahoma for 14 day trips this year, shortest drive was 2 hrs., worth every penny!
That's interesting to hear and you have my interest on that. I haven't given quail a lot of consideration because all I ever heard growing up is that the good days for quail are over. Everybody I knew who had any on their land didn't allow anyone to hunt them because "they're almost all wiped out". The only place I knew about them being hunted was black kettle. Thanks!