Yeah I'll have some time to get a better idea of what to do next time. It's always fun to watch the dog work, and spend time with my kids
Do quail move around much during different times of the day? Would there be a higher likelihood of me finding some in different cover at various times? You've had me thinking on quail since your first reply and now I'm pretty intrigued.
Quail roost in as open ground as they can find, spread out shortly after daybreak and feed back to cover. How long they stay in the open is a function of food availability or predator pressure. Cover can be as simple as a brushy fence line or a single mesquite tree with low limbs. It can be as complex as some low shrubs feathering up into tall trees, but midday will find them in loafing cover dusting and digesting…Before sunset they will head back to feeding area and a rooster will holler em up to his choice of a roosting spot.