You can find absolutely anything on google.
This would be so rare it's not worth hoping for.
Lets say a hen is ready to lay her first egg April 1st.
First eggs are laid haphazardly here and there and not daily at this point.
Hormones kick in and she finds a secure place for a nest. [hopefully]
April 10 her first egg is laid in her nest.
She has a full clutch of eggs developing at different stages in her body, she can in no way produce more then 1 shelled egg per day.
So, she does real well producing 12 eggs in a 14 day period.
Hormones are changing again, not overnight but in a couple days.
Incubation begins.
23 days later eggs hatch not at one time, it will be 2 days before clutch of chicks are dry and able to follow the hen.
These chicks will depend on their mother for 7-8 weeks. [min]
For her to abandon the brood it will take another hormone change, to develop eggs another, to mate another, Then it's the 1 egg per day at the most, 23 day gestation.
Impossible for all this to happen? probably not.
But I can tell you it would be so uncommon we need not count on it.:cheers:
But, great thing about pheasants, if during the egg laying or gestation a nest is destroyed she can get back to laying in a couple weeks. If she hatches even 1 chick and it dies she will have a hard time getting back to a egg laying mode.
It is so very common to have roosters with little color and fully colored young of the year anywhere in pheasant county, early in the pheasant seasons. Afraid it's not from double broods.