Need for speed

Alright guys I'm trying to get faster internet:thumbsup: But my 4g supplier doesn't seem to like showing up:( 4 times its been postponed. And now its a month later and wed. the big day. But if he does not show this time I'll need to look elsewhere. Not even bad weather will save them this time:) See I don't anger easy:) My supplier now won't run the wire for high speed internet. Just wondering what seems to work and what I would get the most bang for the buck:thumbsup: And I don't want to bundle.
yep coot is still on dial up internet. heck we still had a party line in 1976. what truly amazes me is he was able to sign up on the health care web site with no problems with dial up internet. maybe it was designed for SLOWWWWWWW people like cooty. his tech prowness is just a half step ahead of 2 soup cans and a string.
PC Mac daddy:) It's looking good for tomarrow:thumbsup: I'll be so fast I'll be a week ahead of you guys:) I must admitt I am clueless on tech. stuff and pretty much everything else:D Who gave my dog black jelly beans:mad: His farts are really BIBLICAL:D
carp I cant breath I'm laughing so hard . that's the best description of cooty I ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!:10sign::cheers::thumbsup::cheers:
That does it no more mr. nice guy:eek: You think I was dumb before wait until I get fast internet:eek: The stupidity won't stop:eek:. I'll be able to post 200% more a day at least:eek: Mac daddy and JSD will be worn out handling me:D And I won't more smilies:mad: 6 ain't enough
You going to post some hunting pics?

If it will make you happy I will next fall:) It'll take me that long to figure it out. And I 've been watching game warden shows and I aint posting any :coolpics: out of season.

Well the nuns said I would never be fast and I guess they were right:D No show for high speed internet:mad: No call nothing, but I aint giving up. Tomarrow I start operation can you hear me now:D
Coot, find yourself a high class women and use her 4G Hotspot. That how we roll down here in the flatlands of Oklahoma!
great idea okie. just the women for coot will be in town sat.. ROLLER DERBY BABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. as bad as some of them look with all the tattoos and piercings their standards ought to be low enough to take a serious look at cootie. also they would be great with the cattle on the farm. they could stand by the gate and no cow would dare run past them:cheers:
I know you have heard of the old saying "No since in buying the Cow when you can get milk free" same goes with the High Speed internet. Go get yourself one of those " Heffers on Wheels" that Cloud is talking about and just play with her HotSpot!
I can't believe this no one returns calls. I ain't even got mad. I did get one guy on the east coast said he wasn't going to touch it with a ten foot pole. He said in all his years he's never heard of someone wanting to honor there contract:thumbsup: Everyone wants out of them:) They promised me internet and I'm going to get internet.
I ain't got time to play with no roller babes 4G hotspot:eek:. Wait guess I do Verizon ain't ever going to show:D
Well operation can you hear me now started slow. Actually nothing as of noon. BC told me to contact utility board so I did. Said they only deal with land lines not internet:( Why would BC know what he's talking about:mad: But they sent my complaint to the IOWA ATTORNEY GENERAL. NOT FOR SURE THEY GOT IT TODAY BUT I GET INTERNET TOMARROW:) Hes coming from 250+ miles away:eek:
Don't think I'm going to get verizon babes 4G hotspot anytime soon:D I explained to her its not nice not telling people you aint going to show.
Sounds like you found a women and you got her number too! Now see if she'll send you some just may end up with a G~Spot yet!
sorry guys capt coot might not be on this sight for a while. he has joined the 21st century:cheers: he FINALLY has high speed internet!!!!! he even got a new laptop. the installer about crapped when he saw a computer that still used floppy disk. coot really got their attention when attorney general office called. coot has discovered how fast the world really is. he probally has 10 years worth of videos and jokes to get caught up on