When you say to more roosters to "allow hens to come thru to next",your predicating that the birds will be beyond the carrying capacity of the land. I do not see that as the primary factor in pheasant numbers here in parts of Montana. Yes, crp has been unenrolled, but there is good habitat still in many areas, however bird numbers are very poor. I believe if pheasants are to have a chance, even the roosters need to make it thru to next spring, yes, a rooster can mate with several hens, but we still have to have a few around to do so, at this time, I see so few birds, even shooting a few roosters would make a difference in breeding next spring, let alone if roosters continue to have pressure of being hunted. As hunters, there are times, even though the law permits certain things, we as responsible individuals need to stand up and do the right thing, even if it means putting aside our own self interest. When there are individuals born and raised in what was once great pheasant country, putting their guns away for the year, and yes, I have had several already tell me this after the start of dove, grouse and hun season started, they will do so, it is time for others to heed that message.