Native Grasslands


Stuff that has never been plowed.
Recognise the Flora?

Chris, Yes for sure, Fauna where there is native flora.
LOVE IT!! cant wait to get back. :cheers:
This stuff I take pics of, Just about the same as L&C saw it.
Man that is some beautiful country! What is the red grass Mnmt?
Parts of Eastern MT have had record rainfalls.
LOTS of water and GUMBO!:eek:
Every stockpond in mid Sept was full or overflowing. (very unusual)
Normally it is dusty dry this time of the year.
With all the vegetation, wind and sunshine it could get dry in a hurry though.

The red grass in the pics is Little Blue Stem. Common all through MT's native grasslands and the Little Missouri NG of Western ND.

There are small amounts of Big Blue here and there in the Native Grasslands.
Side Oats grama is common but not dominant. Blue grama and Buffalo Grass are the mostly dominant species, along with Western Wheat Grass and Prairie June Grass. Lots of other stuff too. :cheers:
We include little bluestem in our CREP plantings here in PA but it is a little hard to find surrounded by the taller varieties of wsg. One landowner planted almost all little bluestem and I really loved the looks of it.

Awesome looking country! Any more pictures ?

I have a huge inventory of grassland pics.

This is fresh loaded from my latest trip. All native, all BLM.
Short grass country, hilly, rocky stuff never homesteaded.
I was Muley hunting, on this hike I could have limited on Sage and Sharptails. Huns too if I could hit the dang things. :eek:

MNMT, I'm not looking for coordinates but what county in Montana was this taken. I have only hunted in the northeast and have not seen this type landscape.
Thanks for the pictures, that's some real nice country!
MNMT, I'm not looking for coordinates but what county in Montana was this taken. I have only hunted in the northeast and have not seen this type landscape.

There are bits and pieces of this stuff in every county in Eastern MT. Counties like Roosevelt and Sheridain are in better farming country and everything plowable was homesteaded and plowed with few exceptions. As you go South and West there gets to be more and more large areas of native grasslands.