My Dog Is Spoiled Rotten - How Bout Yours???

Birdman do me a favor remind me of this later. My Pheasant season open Oct 23,2010. We will see what shape Gunne is in and go from there? OK?.........Bob
wow birdman, what compassion you have. I cannot believe you are bringing up old threads at this point. When Bob's dog Gunny, got run over and is hurt. Not very funny. Hope you are just kidding, but please man, how about a little compassion.
wow birdman, what compassion you have. I cannot believe you are bringing up old threads at this point. When Bob's dog Gunny, got run over and is hurt. Not very funny. Hope you are just kidding, but please man, how about a little compassion.

i wasnt being insulting... i never said oh, well i guess your broken dog cant compete.

i just remember the thread about whos breed is better... and i rememeber how bob wants to prove his dog worthy bc he did say brits are way better than gsps... and im sure he still can even with tony if he wanted to.

never insulted his dog or anything. i did wish his a full recovery. geesh.
ok, fair enough Birdman. I just thought it was inappropriate to bring this up at this point in time when Bob's dog has been injured. I was not taking a stab at you. I actually enjoy your posts, but a little compassion goes a long way and this is not the time, in my opinion, to bring up a thread that happened two months ago or more. I mean, really man??? Brits against GPS's is like comparing apples and oranges. Does it really matter? Anyway no offense and none intended to you. That's my two cents. :thumbsup:
If I may tell a little story here. Around April 28th I had Gunne out to the trainers to point some pigeons. After we were done the trainer, Dan is his name. Asked me what I thought of Gunne. I said, "I thought his first 2 points lacked a little in intensity." Dan asked "What makes you think that?" I said compared to Tony at that age." Dan shouted "Whoa". "Don't you ever compare Him to Tony. Tony is one of the most outstanding bird dogs I have ever trained. No dog will ever compare to him. Tony is a dog that comes along only once in some peoples lifetime. Consider your self lucky he fell into your life." "You have got a good bird dog in the making. That is if we don't screw him up someplace. Accept him for what he is." Dan is a Breeder and trainer of GSP's primarily. Dan has some National Champions to his credit and is a much respected dog trainer and handler.

I tell this because Tony will be 11 years old in 10 days. He is a little past his prime. But old age arthritis and other age things have taken their toll on him. But I don't think it would be a fair contest against Tony even with his age holding him back........Bob
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Bleu, getting to ride in the seat of my buddy's truck!!!

If you want to a spoiled dog. Gunne has been in cast now for over 3 weeeks. He has to be kept quiet in the house only outside for potty breaks. I was to the Vet last Thursday. He said all is well and only 4 more weeks of the cast being kept on and keeping him from putting his weight on it. Now I ask you, is he spoiled rotten now but a month more of being in the house 24/7, how spoiled is he going be then.........Bob
Havent been in here, sorry to hear about your dog Bob. I am sure he will and has been spoiled rotten:D Glad to hear he is getting better. Nice pics every one. Zeb, come on a leather couch just for the dogs? :D whats Ellie's bedroom like.
Gus the Brittany is Spoiled

No doubt about it, Gus is spoiled. But he has earned it with his energetic, effective field work. He puts great food on my table, gets some bird scraps, gets to stay indoors, sleep on the bed, and generally hang out and go on road trips having nothing to do with hunting. We're pretty good friends.
Tony has a sleeping cage that is 38 inches long, 24 inches wide, 36 inches high. on the floor cut to fit are, 2-1/2 inch rubber carpet padding. On top of this he has 3 layers of carpeting. 6 throw pillows, that he arranges to his liking. People seeing his cage tell me. I forgot the running hot and cold water and a cook stove for snacks. I just never could get that stuff installed properly......Bob
sure are- they spend as much time in the house, in the garage converted to kennel, in the fenced in yard

one pup is the wifes favorite- he sits on the couch with her -doesn't care to much for the other three up there
they get the run of the house- but we do have some rules-

like- don't disturb the sleeping cat

they're a bit wild when she comes home from work- they come in but have to settle down pretty quick

no problems if I leave them in all night- but then they expect a bit of breakfast- girls are worse than the boys

for a long time I just let them loose in the yard, during the night they could go in the garage if they want- seems lately the coyotes have been getting a bit close- pups got out and I had to get in the vehicle and go after them

thus- I close the garage with them in most nights

working on dialing in my long range rifle

remember "Hunting With Hank" never ever ever spoil your bird dog
After my last setter was sent outside to a kennel because my wife couldn't handle a puppy and kids in diapers at the same time, the last one was inside. He had me trained to let him out and feed him. An evening ritual where he would come get me, moaning and his tail going. I'd ask him if he had to go outside and he'd sit and look at me. Ask him if he wanted some dinner and he would go crazy, then run to his dish. Ask him if he wanted to go for a walk and he'd get his leash. Sometimes he would just get it without being prompted. But no getting up on the furniture, beds, etc.

We lost him in June to blastomycosis at age 6. A huge blow and one I'm not going to get over for quite some time. I've got a deposit down on another pup, but this is the first year since my freshman year of college in the dorms that I don't have a dog to hunt behind. I figured I had another 6-7 years with him and now a fall without. Don't worry about spoiling them, you never know how long you've got.

My last setter was a bird machine, but was all business and did not care about people, etc.. This guy was around people all the time and I think it made him a better all around dog. The folks that say you can't have a bird dog in the house, or you ruin him, are full of it [IMHO]. The new pup will be indoors and I'll never send one outside again.
My pup is not quite 9 months, but stays in the house with us, and stays with me all day in the truck too (except when it is really hot). He's certainly a foot warmer at night also. I feel that the more time you can spend with one, and the more that bond gets developed, the better they try for you. Raising one this way makes it hard to comprehend people who talk about self-hunting dogs. It also makes the silent shorthand work so much better in the field, rather than those guys who have to hack at their dog the whole time they're hunting.

Bob, sorry to hear about Gunne. May I recommend Benadryl?
I have thought of it. But with the other pain med's I have stayed away from stuff I don't know much about. He sleeps quite a bit with them in him...........Bob
When I got my latest GSP Kramer, I worked diligently to train him to not get on the furniture, no table food and definitely no bed. When he was 7 months old, I went on a deer hunting trip for a week -returned home after an 8 hour drive at 5PM. My wife was cooking chicken breast and I thought "how nice, she's got dinner ready for me." I thanked her and she said for what, the chicken is for Kramer. When we went to bed, after a week away, I thought perhaps I may stand a chance, as we lay there in bed, Kramer suddenly jumped on the bed and GOT UNDER THE COVERS between my wife and I. She said she was "lonely" when I was gone -he now sleeps with us every night.

He's my dog during the day when we hunt and he too is a beast, but the rest of the year he's a pampered pet who gets chicken mixed with his food everyday specially made by momma. Between my wife and two daughters, he's treated like a king and definitely has more attention then me.

Mine lasted almost two years before I left on a business trip long enough for that to happen. She doesn't get the chicken and sleeps on the wife's side of the bed, but everything else sounds about right!
my first house hunter was a lab mutt cross. dad got here in the custidy battle when I went out on my own. BEST dog he or I will ever have. Ladie did it all from coaching football with dad, riding the golf cart to the pond (did I mention she was smart), setting in ground blinds hunting turkeys and deer, crappie fishing, ring girl in my wedding to my good wife. (1st wife would not let her in house so had to get divorce, women everywhere good dogs once in a lifetime.) She is buried out west near Gove Co Brits stomping grounds. now have gun shy lab that sleeps with wife while I hunt with her cocker.
speaking of which...

instead of buying Sophia a 200.00 dog house.. i built her a house.. according to GunDogMagazine, I found a dog house to build... however, according to their measurements, this dog house was to be for a 22 inch or smaller dog, so i built mine bigger knowing possible Sophia will be bigger perhaps than 22 inch height...

heres the dog house that took me 7 hours to build.. yes its insulated for winter time use and prop open the door for summer time.


