Moving South

I’d rather look at photos than read some poorly written yarn about pheasant hunting, quite frankly some guys like to throw the dog work out there as a casual jab, marking, retrieving downed/wounded bird, staying in range, coming back when called are just as important as flushing or pointing and in some ways require more training, but whatever I get it you guys have been there and done that with the big group thing, I haven’t been there enough times to say that in modern times. Back in my 20s we did it a lot. I’d go back anytime I could, you could tell that large group you don’t dig it anymore I’m sure a lot of people would be willing to take your place.
PTM- sorry if my reply came across wrong. Was not knocking your post at all and as I mentioned the dog work had to have been great to get to watch.
I view these threads like we’re sitting around a table chatting and having a beer...sorry, too, if I offended...being out there is what it’s about!!!🤩🤩
I view these threads like we’re sitting around a table chatting and having a beer...sorry, too, if I offended...being out there is what it’s about!!!🤩🤩
No I’m not offended I’m a horrible writer that’s why I go with pics, I totally could get if you hunted like that all the time it could have a guy looking to be walking alone, you’re lucky to have that one guy you gel with, I’ve got one guy I usually hunt with too, we have totally different tastes in dogs but it usually works.
PTM- sorry if my reply came across wrong. Was not knocking your post at all and as I mentioned the dog work had to have been great to get to watch.
No sorry Matt that was a carry over from a road conversation we were having driving back home about if hunt test dogs were better than just your regular old lab.