New member
So my wife is Louisiana and has got a job offer back in Louisiana. We currently live in Nebraska. I love both states so I have no clue what to do.
To bad so sad. Obviously I can't say the same.
I had the opportunity to hunt along the entire LA Gulf Coast including the mouth the Mississippi. Full plumed ducks, white fronts in the rice fields.
Coastal fishing.
Four hour drive to the Florida Emerald Coast.
Year around golf and softball.
LSU sports (Shaq was there when my wife was in school there). SEC football.
They can keep the racism, segregation, humidity,
Add crime !
Interesting. A family friend worked as a young doctor in a Wichita Hospital for a couple years and said the same thing about Kansas. I told him my experience with Kansas was much different (albeit largely smaller towns & rural) and that he should be careful with generalizing his experience in Wichita to that of the entire state.
I'll be managing her grandpas land. Public schools in Watson area are very good. And Looking to stay working for the state roads side. Supvisor position.That said, I did move back north.
Spent time in ND each fall. Flying up there with dog was not simple.
Education system is generally a mess. Private schools are often the norm. What you save in property tax and state income tax you pay out in sales tax and I suppose private school tuition.
It is a very bimodal income state. Those with good jobs (educated) and those with really poor jobs (uneducated). Those that can manage to finish HS and get employment in the oil, gas and chemical industries can do well.
People are very friendly in Louisiana, although it takes time to build trust into the inner circle. I have a son that goes to college in Nebraska. Friendly place there too. You will have family there so that would not be an issue.
I will say do not judge Louisiana by New Orleans. It is not representative of the state as a whole.
Watch these videos and get ready! http://www.ducks.org/news-media/du-films/video
Florida was alright and amazing in the winter but I wouldnt venture outside of that state. Sure... there's some great people in the South but until everyone my age (35) or older dies we will still have problems with racism. Most of it will/should be wiped out when those presently in their 50's and 60's or older die, that goes for all races. Sad but true fact.
Florida landed in the bottom 20 percent of states with an overall graduation rate of 71 percent in 2010-11. Just six states and the District of Columbia had a lower graduation rate than Florida.