MO's Hatch


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Hey guys, I'm stuck in a part of the state where there are no pheasants, but I have seen/heard quail throughout the spring when I was hunting turkey in St. Charles County. I'm looking for some updates on the hatch for both species. I typically hunt in Northeast and Northwest Missouri. Thanks!
I've not heard anything -- but I can tell you they got a lot of rain and some really severe weather in the last 10 days. Could be trouble.
I've not heard anything -- but I can tell you they got a lot of rain and some really severe weather in the last 10 days. Could be trouble.

Wow, there has been a lot of rain up in Northern MO. Good thing the land I hunt isn't in low lands so flooding shouldn't be an issue. Again, I'm seeing quail down here (St. Charles County), but haven't gotten up early to make a drive to have a listen up north. Maybe this weekend.
The severe weather disturbs me lately. The good news it it's warm! I would bet there will late hatches. Especially with the species in jeopardy. It might be time to move our quail season later, like Kansas and Oklahoma to compensate for latter hatching birds. I would think there is quite a mortality of the "peepers" early, do to stress from predators and hunting. Of course us serious quail hunters walk away, but we still stress them. From raising them, I can tell you, 2 weeks makes a world of difference.
I saw 4 males 3 running down the road, and a fence post sitter. driving NE of Kansas City, on the 1St of July! Obviously looking for love. Maybe shuffle birds. More on twenty miles of road then I saw for years this time of the season.
Saw a male on the road, heard another calling in a different location. Farmer friend of mine has seen chicks! I also saw at least turkey 15 poults with 2 hens, they could fly pretty darn well and were the size of a Chukar. Tons of fawns too. I would say the game faired pretty well after a tough winter and a few big rains. This was in NE MO around Kirksville.
See birds, a scad of cottontails in all age groups, and fox squirrels everywhere. Even saw a couple of box turtles I haven't seen here in years. Looks good for small game, but it's going to take several years to get back to a better but low population. Habitat which we can expand, is critical, now that the weather is more favorable.
Yup...if we can string together 3 or 4 years of this, we'll be back in the black. This weather is PERFECT for birds. Lots of bugs, cool enough for long enough let those youngins get old enough that they can survive the summer doldrums.
Glad to hear that MO is getting more moisture and favorable nesting conditions this summer! I know that QF and other groups are working hard to improve habitat. Would love to see y'all get back to some of the good ole days when Missouri hunters bagged 2-4 million quail per year....Of course that won't happen. But good weather and positive habitat work can bring back good numbers of birds in local areas....

I have saw several young birds that could already fly good and about half grown and still hearing lots of bob-whiteing. The corn and soybeans are now good cover for predator protection and if there was good cover for hatching should be in good shape. Sure hope so as we could use some encouraging news.
Saw two broods of quail in the last two days (by accident). and had a hen with 8 poults in the yard tonight, first one in 3-4 years. It's been a good year for the gallinaceous birds in the central part of the state.
Saw a 10 bird covey today. Birds were on the road & momma was herding them along, tiny little guys. Encouraging. Hope they make it. Eastern MO.
Dwayne Bowe pointed a covey today. They were barely able to fly. Only flew thirty yards. Surprised Dwayne Bowe didn't catch one. Quickly exited the area. What surprised me was how many there were. Had to be at least 15.