This is my observation after 20+ trips to MT. You need to plan when to go out there. I'm not going to say when I go out there, but hunting pressure is not an issue. Brookville, you stated "Every stop, well almost every stop I made Tuesday, had feathers on ground". If those feathers were from cleaning birds, to me that is pig hunters. If you are going to clean your birds in the field, walk a couple 100 yards in the bush to clean them. My experience with pro trainers(there have been many). They are rude, arrogant, do not follow the MT game laws, do not spend money in towns other than gas and locals hate them. We had a sick dog one trip and asked a trainer for advise. He just stuck his nose in air and walked away. He had a Vet in his group that helped us out. Another AKC lab trainer proceeded tell me my dog was worthless cause I had a British Lab. We stopped to ask permission once on some land that we were able to hunt on a previous trip. There was a pro trainer staying on the property. He told us we could not hunt and to never ask again. Landowner came out and gave us permission. Trainer no longer stays there. Place we stay has a cleaning room. Pro guys will fillet their birds, throw legs away and package them with no info on packages. When we've tried to tell them they were asking for trouble if MT Game came and checked freezers, they just laughed and said " We're Professionals" They weren't even staying there. They had a key made to cleaning room from when they stayed there years back. There a many other encounters with Pro trainers. I am not a fan of them. I make 2 trips a year. It would not bother me at all if MT went to a 14 day license having to split into 7 day periods.