In the mid to late 50's, Minnesota opened pheasant hunting at noon on Saturday. There were so many birds and hunters that the shooting around the countryside (western MN) was nearly continuous for the first hour. On Sunday morning shooting hours changed to 10 am, closing time was sunset. The Boy Scout troop served breakfast to hunters in the city hall on Sunday morning of opening weekend and many families put up hunters in their homes. Sometime in the 70's or 80's (I think it was) there was a year or two where they allowed hunting one-half hour before sunrise. It was very hard to tell hens from roosters at a half hour before sunrise, especially on cloudy days. I remember getting into a flock of about 25 just 5 minutes into the season. We knew there were roosters in the flock because they were cackling, but we couldn't see any color on any of them. In the late 50's and early sixties, despite high bird numbers, the season was only about 30 days long, sure glad they changed that.