Mixed breed...


New member
how many of you had owned a mixed breed and still turned out to be a great bird dog?

my mother had a dog that wasnt trained to hunt and yet she was a great hunting dog.

Sandy is a, red setter, english pointer, golden retriever.

she points and when she points, her tail is sticking up high, she looks like a golden retriever, shes got the red setter face and color.

i know alot of people on here have pure bred dogs.. im just curious if anyone has owned a great dog like my parents did but wasnt a pure bred dog...
If a guy wanted to do the pound thing and get a rescue dog there is still opportunities to do that with pure bred dogs. Just ask JMC.
I've not missed a chance to brag about my dogs.
Many of you may remember Cooper from way back. Been on many trips and snuffed out many a bird. And will retrieve ducks with the best of them.
Great dog? nah! I'd never call him great. Spoiled, for sure, a pet and a house dog.

Cooper is Lab/Vizsla. A mistake.:eek::eek:
I've not missed a chance to brag about my dogs.
Many of you may remember Cooper from way back. Been on many trips and snuffed out many a bird. And will retrieve ducks with the best of them.
Great dog? nah! I'd never call him great. Spoiled, for sure, a pet and a house dog.

Cooper is Lab/Vizsla. A mistake.:eek::eek:

that is 1 great photo
I do believe a dog of mixed breeding will always have conflicts from one side or the other of the breeding. That is why IMO they never be great hunting dogs. Good hunting dogs yes, for they will do most of what you want to be done. I have always gone for pure bred Brittany's and they work great for me...........Bob
I have only seen 2 dogs that were pointer/lab cross that were pretty good bird dogs~~~~~
For got to mention your photo MnM, that is on nice pic!!!!!!
i think some of you are confused on what i was asking.. i didnt mean did you pick up a mix breed to formally train to hunt.. i meant a dog to have around.. like some people have corgies in with their purebred hunting dog... some have other dogs that dont hunt..

what im saying is for example, my parent's dog was NOT bought to be a hunting dog, but her instincts brought out the pointing in her even though shes not trained to hunt. she'll run home when she hears a gun shot.. but she loves sniffing and chasing birds and jackrabbits and cottontail rabbits...

i dont mean did you buy a mix breed to hunt.. or should i say, do you guys have any other dogs that do show some hint of hunting without any prior training...?
the best non hunting birddog I had was a blue healerand border collie cross born in a calf hut and raised around cattle I used her to work cattle for the farmer i worked for and after work we headed out to hunt and man she could hunt sure do miss that mutt i would give up all my purebreds to have her again
I used to have a husky, she was full time job... she got dogknapped. never did find her, then got a full blood black lab.. til he got run over by a neighbor that didnt like dogs... but inbetween i did have an austrialian shepard, this was way before the husky and black lab.. that dog got run over by my dad when he was discing a field, so he lost a part of his back leg to his paw, now i had a 3 legged dog and still chased cows. was a great dog for 7 years til it got attacked by a skunk that had rabies. had to put him down. was the best cattle dog i had.. even though they were sheep dogs. he was blind in one eye, and deaf in the other ear.. i wished i had photos of him. i was probably 10 years old when we had to put Sam to sleep.. wasnt easy. no dog will amount to Sam, my best first friend.
Khali is a lab/border Collie. She was picked up from a humane society by a co-worker. I took the dog with me to Iowa one weekend and she had the juice for birds. Hunted with her for 10-11 years. Best rent a lab I ever had.

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I have never had a mixed breed. But all that I have seen or hunted with. Only confirmed my conviction that a good pure bred is the only way to fly.............Bob
BirdMan this maybe the best thread ever:thumbsup:

I have got to say if you have never hunted with a mixed breed you didn't grow up on a farm or had way more money then I did as a kid.
My first hunting dog. I begged for a lab for months and I got a Fox Terrier mix She would hunt and kill more animals then I could ever count ( groundhogs chimpmunks racoons skunks snakes and I shot my first Pheasant over her. She pulled every tail feather out of that bird.) She would run a trap line with me before school. That dog lived for 14 years and I will never forget the good times.
I too wish I had pictures of her.

My second Mutt was a German Shepard wolf mix. He loved to hunt Pheasants. (120 lbs of love) When I shot a bird No one was able to pick it up besides me.

I agree my pure bred (GSP-Setters and Pointer) are/were better hunting dogs but the Mutts have a special spot with me.
heres the only two pics of my husky i have. i will have to go to my parents for labor day and see if i can find some photos of my black lab and Sam and scan them....


i dont remember how old i was but damn i was young..

Been hunting a mixed breed [Sally] now for 9 years and she done great and stiill is. And now another dang stray showed up and guess what I am hunting him [Totti] also . I guess I won't live long enough to have a full breed hunting dog. All my hunting buds get tickled at me .