I am sure all farmers know this. I use alfalfa/ orchard grass, early, and I have mowed timothy, but it's pretty much a one shot deal per season or it won't persevere in the stand. I doubt that it will fill the bill, here it is the last grass to become mature. I am not sure that timothy planting would encourage many hens to nest? Quail sure! Orchard has a quick start which mimics alfalfa. I would do fine, for pheasants, but it gets mowed early like the alfalfa, no net gain in nesting. Neither will supplant the value of an alfalfa cutting. alfalfa is graded, into RFV sold by the ton, to EVERYBODY. You do realize that cows have digestive system which uses bypass nitrogen? There gain is better on high grade alfalfa, than timothy at around 13% protein. You can over feed horses easily on alfalfa, and horses should get premium cut alfalfa, but not premium RFV, a little lower on the protein and stemmy, for a single digestive system. But there are lots of Lady horse owners who by that "rabbit" food to feed horses, and pay the vet to try to save them! Best legume I like to use is Lespedeza, but, it's hard to bail, a summer crop, one baling,and implants no nitrogen into the soil, and it's stems are leaf carriers, no food value, shatter at the drop of a hat, lots of time for quail and pheasants to nest, has limited appeal here, better in racehorse country, this is pasture lespedeza, not Surrieca, or Korean, nobody should plant that ever! Bottom line is it's hard to convince any farmer to abandon a better cash crop, change his procedures, risk income, or rather forsake income to accentuate pheasant reproduction! God willing some do!