Miners rescue in Chile


Active member

This is the kind of stuff that brings the best out in a country..heck the world. When people stand together. They can get anything done.


Do yourself a favor, watch the joy of these miners and those that brought them to the surface. when the cage opens and each man steps out into freedom. Unbelievably touching
It was a wonderful thing to watch. I just hope and pray that they get the rest of the miners out without a hitch.

Did you notice how clean, shaven and well groomed the miners were that have come out? Guess I didn't expect that.
They had asked for shampoo, soap, shavers & shaving cream, so they could look their best when they came out.
Yes they all wanted to be the last man rescued. I've been watching this story unfold and it is truly an awesome strory. To be in such good spirits and aware of your appearance after 69 days is amazing.