memory check time

What was the first animal you killed with a gun or bow. Shotgun woodduck, bow carp, rifle rabbit, and BB gun sparrow can't forget BB gun.
sparrows with my daisy red ryder. shotgun was rabbits. with my 300 ultra mag 165 grain ballistic tips praire dogs. wee bit of over kill but good practice for big game hunting.
probably a robin with my bb gun , turtles,possums,skunks,armadillo with my semi-auto marlin 22, and when i was about 12 with an old fiberglass bow from walmart got bored and shot an arrow with a field tip straight up in the air in a field by the house ,thought it was cool going up real high until it came down and stuck in the a$$ of a sheep that was calmly eating until i arrowed it, chased it down to try to remove it, step dad came and was not happy:mad::mad:,he broke all my arrows and bow and i never picked up a bow again until i was about 34 or so , luckly the sheep survived but my back side still remembers to this day:eek:
probably a robin with my bb gun , turtles,possums,skunks,armadillo with my semi-auto marlin 22, and when i was about 12 with an old fiberglass bow from walmart got bored and shot an arrow with a field tip straight up in the air in a field by the house ,thought it was cool going up real high until it came down and stuck in the a$$ of a sheep that was calmly eating until i arrowed it, chased it down to try to remove it, step dad came and was not happy:mad::mad:,he broke all my arrows and bow and i never picked up a bow again until i was about 34 or so , luckly the sheep survived but my back side still remembers to this day:eek:

Thats a gut buster:10sign::10sign:
i tried the same thing with an arrow. shot it straight up lost sight of it on the way down . figured it must be coming at me. raised my arms and covered my head. arrow glanced off my arm and stuck in my leg. i know how your sheep must have felt. i didnt dare tell my parents . amazing how well a shop rag and black tape can be used as a bandage.
i pray and hope my 3 boys don't do any of the stupid stuff i did ,i'm really lucky to be here in one piece with some of things i did and tried to do.
Bigfoot captaincoot, but I never told anybody until now.:eek:

Actually, it was probably a sparrow with a Daisy 30-30 look-alike BB gun.
blackcloud LMAO

that name is funny how did you get it? My second wife divorced me cause she said a black cloud always followed me still tell this day it bothers me blank bit** like she put a curse on me
that name is funny how did you get it? My second wife divorced me cause she said a black cloud always followed me still tell this day it bothers me blank bit** like she put a curse on me

Know how you feel, I've been told I could find a cloud in every silver lining.;)
that name is funny how did you get it? My second wife divorced me cause she said a black cloud always followed me still tell this day it bothers me blank bit** like she put a curse on me

I'm his little bro. I'll tell you how he got the name. If you ever hunted or fished with him he's got to be cursed. Sinking boats, weapon malfunctions when the big one runs by, propellers on boats, windy ever time he duck hunts no 30 mph stuff 50+ kind. I could go on for days weeks months years but I won't because he is my big bro. He's a real good cook hasn't blew anything up that I know of.:D