memory check time


lol i knew it had to be to that nature lol i was thinking of getting my license plate that name if you miss a pheasant nthat ignorant shyt gets in your head lol pitiful
probably a robin with my bb gun , turtles,possums,skunks,armadillo with my semi-auto marlin 22, and when i was about 12 with an old fiberglass bow from walmart got bored and shot an arrow with a field tip straight up in the air in a field by the house ,thought it was cool going up real high until it came down and stuck in the a$$ of a sheep that was calmly eating until i arrowed it, chased it down to try to remove it, step dad came and was not happy:mad::mad:,he broke all my arrows and bow and i never picked up a bow again until i was about 34 or so , luckly the sheep survived but my back side still remembers to this day:eek:

:laugh::nutz: You just brought back memories I forgot. We did the same thing over and over but no one or any critter shot. But I did place 22 rounds standing up on concrete and was dropping bricks on them to hear the bang, I was 5 and I guess now I change my original post to the fact is, the first thing I shot was myself in the shin with a 22. Still a mark and a piece in there. We kept it quiet too till a couple years ago at Xmas.:D
Blackbird with my brother and sisters BB gun, probably about 7 years old.I remember the BB gun, it was a daisy I think, looked like the old Winchester lever action rifle. BBs even loaded on the side of the receiver just like the real gun
a sparrow with my bb gun and a blue winged teal with my shotgun

I'm his little bro. I'll tell you how he got the name. If you ever hunted or fished with him he's got to be cursed. Sinking boats, weapon malfunctions when the big one runs by, propellers on boats, windy ever time he duck hunts no 30 mph stuff 50+ kind. I could go on for days weeks months years but I won't because he is my big bro. He's a real good cook hasn't blew anything up that I know of.:D

where were you when the full can of ether in the bonfire went off ?