Major rain in South Dakota

Looks like the Dakotas got even more rain again last night. None here, have some more chances here tonight. We have received right about 2" over the last 2 weeks and the temps in the 90s yesterday and today, so the top of the soil has enought moisture/heat to get the the corn popping-up now. Still a lot of ground to get planted, the prior cold temps were keeping the ground to wet for planting. Lawn grass looks great, but needs mowed about every 4 days, that will likely not last long. I will be getting my garden seeds planted this weekend if we miss or get little rain tonight, still not sure about the tomatoes and peppers, maybe give it another week for them.
I am in central Minnesota. We got smoked last night with a major storm. Hail, high winds, tons of lightning/thunder, and torrential rain. Apparently round 2 is coming tonight.

Peak nesting season for pheasants here is early to mid June.
Looked like another good rain moved through there yesterday. Most of the eastern half of the state was covered on the radar. Talked to a farmer friend close to the river and spring wheat all out of the ground, 1/3 of his corn and 1/2 of his beans are planted. Not too bad of shape. Now a few lighter rains as we move through nesting season and we could be in for a good fall.
We had severe storms go through most of eastern South Dakota last evening. 100+ mph winds and some tornados. Lots of damage in many areas.
That line moved northeast across western and central Minnesota. I only got a little rain out of it, but many areas to the northwest of me are in bad shape this morning.
One news source said at 1 point on Thursday there were at least 57 power substations out. Brookings is without power and maybe thru the weekend. I heard we have power supplied 3 ways and all are out.
Great news for all that were affected. The power companies are usually pretty amazing when it comes to these things!