Lost one of my Best Friends!


Well-known member
I lost one of my closest and best friends this past week. Been close to him, his brothers and family for 60 years. Rick was killed last Friday NW of the Twin Cites while riding his motorcycle. A car pulled out in front of him and that was all she wrote. He had severe head injuries and the family took him off life support Saturday morning. His girl friend, who was riding with him, survived but suffered some broken bones. Rick was traveling on a through street and they was a car come from the side and stop at the stop sign. However, just as they entered the intersection the car took off and they hit the car broadside.

Rick and I took many motorcycle trips around the Midwest and Canada. We also spent a lot of time together in the fields chasing roosters. I imagine his Small Munsterlander, Abi, is wondering where her master is. It's been and extremely tough week for me and I'm sure the memorial service on Saturday will be tougher yet.

RIP good buddy!
So sorry to hear of your loss of such a good friend, it's tough so all we can do is remember all the good things --only time will heal.
Sorry to hear that Zeb. I really wish people were more attentive behind the wheel. Driving a rig sure has taught me to look close, far and in between all the time while driving.
Sorry for your loss, Zeb.

When part of your life abruptly disappears, there's no answer that satisfies.

My best wishes.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Its a risk that you assume when riding bikes unfortunately. I rode sportbikes for 20+ years and managed to walk away in one piece. Hang in there..:(
Sad news!!! Prayers sent to his family and yours. Life is short and unpredictable for sure and only takes one person's actions to affect so many lives. God Bless your friend RIP
Hey George,

Sorry to hear about your friend - and this was so sudden it makes it even harder. My thoughts are with you my friend...

So sorry to hear this bad news. We send our thoughts and prayers to you, your family and all of his family as well. May the Lord help guide all of you along this difficult path.

About 5 years ago I lost a friend much the same way but him and his wife hit a deer on their full dress Harley. He loved a few days before he passed.

God Bless George...hope you find some peace knowing your friend has his place in heaven.
