Headed to the game farm this morning. Big confidence boost for the both of us. We had fun.
She found all our birds and I was shooting well enough, ha! She caught a running hen, I missed a chukar, went over where it landed and she got on the trail, chased it 120 yards through the woods and brought it back to me. Also got into a brawl with a poorly hit angry rooster and won. Cant tell you how stoked I was to see that.
She did run past a few we had to circle back to, she just gets excited and isn’t using her nose the best sometimes. I’m sure she will figure that out more as she gets more experienced.
Thinking back to a few months ago, she has came a tremendously long way. And I am very happy with where we are. I had been walking lots of heavily pressured public land and I was expecting way to much, frustrated, and may have been using her as a bit of scape goat.
Thanks again for the pep talks boys
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