Live Pheasant Photos

Brown eared pheasant.
Ancient Chinese military hats had feathers like this pheasant. Very aggressive birds and it was hoped the soldiers would be as aggressive.
If anyone has photos of live/living pheasants, please feel free to post them in this thread.

hettmoe, when you get a chance can you post some of your flying pheasant photos? I know members will appropriate your photos. They are truly some of the best pheasant photos I've seen:thumbsup:

I'll get the ball rolling with a few photos from years past. Some I've posted on the forum before.

I could never catch this old rooster out in the past. I would drive over the crest in the road and he would quickly boogie off into the cattails. Today he stayed out, and I quickly figured out why. He had a pretty hen out with him, just out of the frame. Who knows, maybe I'll see him fly this fall. He is a smart one for sure.
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