Let's Hunt Hawai'i


Well-known member
A friend whose land I hunt in Kansas just returned from Kauai and reported that they have a pheasant season in Hawaii that was on while he was there just days ago. He saw ring-necked pheasants, same as ours on the mainland. Aloha!
Yes, they have had those birds for a long time. I wanted to take my wife there for a combo deal. My 25th wedding anniversary and a hunt on their pheasant. But she didn't go for it. I didn't even try on our 50th..........Bob
I'm going to have to do some research, we were lookin in to goin for our honeymoon. I might have to switch around the wedding date to get there when the season is open! lol
NElabaholic. Atta boy that is the way to start them right........Bob
That's gotta be rough on the dogs paws. I bet they will be bunched up in that Maui Wowi. LOL:)
Yeah, they have pheasants everywhere over there. I know a guy that lived on a ranch on the big island and they hunted them all the time. Not just ringnecks either, but many different species of pheasants. Preaty sweet!
I found some info on the Hawaii state site.

§13-122-6 Permitted hunting of certain game birds.
The hunting of the following game birds is permitted with a valid hunting license and in
accordance with Exhibits 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 and the provisions of this chapter:
(1) Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
(2) White-winged Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus subspecies)
(3) Green Pheasant (Phasianus versicolor)
(4) Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelana)
(5) California Quail (Callipepla californicus)
(6) Gambel's Quail (Callipepla gambelii)
(7) Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
(8) Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)
(9) Barred Dove (Geopelia striata)
(10) Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
(11) Chestnut-Bellied Sandgrouse (Pterocles exustus)
(12) Chukar (Alectoris chukar)
(13) Gray Francolin (Francolinus pondicerianus)
(14) Black Francolin (Francolinus francolinus)
(15) Erckel's Francolin (Francolinus erckelii)
(16) Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo); and
(17) Other game birds the division may establish and designate.

Looks like the season is from the first Saturday in November through Martin Luther King Day. But you can only hunt on Saturdays, Sundays and state holidays.
Adding a few Silvers, Goldens & Amhersts into a mixed-bag over the dog - How cool would that be!

And if the roosters weren't cooperating - shorts, sandals & a fishing pole in my hand sounds just fine to me right now! And hey if all else failed, like AJ & JB sing - "it's five o'clock somewhere"!!! :thumbsup:
Yes, they have had those birds for a long time. I wanted to take my wife there for a combo deal. My 25th wedding anniversary and a hunt on their pheasant. But she didn't go for it. I didn't even try on our 50th..........Bob

Wow Bob, congratulations on 50+ years of marriage. :thumbsup:
Pheasants in HI? Thats the coolest thing Ive heard in a long time! I gotta go! Pheasant hunt in the morning, beach and a few silver can soda's in the evening, now that it what I call a good day!!!!! I'm sure my wife would be up for it lol I'm pretty sure I'll never say "Honey, go to the beach I'm going pheasant hunting! I'll meet you there this evening"
I saw pheasants in Maui on the way up to Haleakala and I saw one fly across the road in Kauai just down a back road from Poipu Beach. On the south side of Kauai it is perfect bird country. They grow alot of sweet corn and some sugar cane along with lots of head high weeds. I heard the coolest island to go bird hunting is Lanai because it is so remote with only a couple of hotels and not much else in the way of development. I believe you can actually sign up for a pheasant hunt as a side trip with your hotel stay. Half price with a timeshare tour...not!
No predators, No winter kill, good nesting weather ? If we had those conditions in the Midwest, we would have a ton of birds. 400-500 birds per section might be the norm.
Well sounds like we have to pick a weekend with a holliday on fri or mon. or both. Fly in for a day of site seeing, blast birds for 3-4 days, site see one more day, sun bathe as the whitest dude in shorts with the dog, and fly home, perfect.
It is so warm down there that you will be sunbathing while hunting. You will be hunting in boardshorts and flipflops.
@Tphark--Sounds good to me! + the sound & feel of a bluewater, big-game speedster screaming line off the reel & threatening to spool ya' is about as exciting as a rooster bumping into your belt buckle on the way up from between the legs to me!!! :cheers:
Sign me up -


Non-res license $95, age 65+ - free. Round trip airfare from here to Honolulu is $100 more than to Sioux Falls....so a free license makes it a wash.

Ring-neck Pheasant
Green Pheasant
Three (cocks only) per hunter,

California Valley Quail,
Japanese Quail, Gambel's
Fifteen birds of either sex per
hunter .

Erckel's Francolin,* Gray
Francolin* Black Francolin*
Three birds of either sex per

Chukar Partridge*
Three birds of either sex per

Barred Dove (Small Dove)
Twenty birds of either sex per

Spotted Dove (Large Dove)
Ten birds of either sex per

Barred Dove (Small Dove)
Twenty birds of either sex per

Spotted Dove (Large Dove)
Ten birds of either sex per

And lots of public areas -

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