Agree and disagree. If you are spending thousands, you are probably hunting pen raised birds at a lodge anyways. To me, SD is about watching the time to see when it is 10:00am, and again when it is close to sunset. It's the putting the cell phone down and not watching the clock the remainder of the day. The driving a backroad and not seeing another person. The eating a lunch or dinner on a tailgate while the sun goes down. It's a getaway. I have said time and time again, a small group of 1-3 hunters can reasonably expect to at least get a shot at a limit of public land birds nearly every day in SD. Lots of variables to play, but at least a chance at it.
SD also doesn't have to be expensive. Here's a general breakdown of my trip last December.
4 nights lodging at a motel, $50/night x 4 = $200, split 2 ways = $100
License (only counting half, since I would count the other half for my first trip of the year) = $60
Gas (rough estimate) $250, split 2 ways = $125
Food and drinks, brought all food with, no eating out. Crockpots, electric skillets, small tailgate grills make great evening dinners. Sandwiches in the field make great lunches. Electric skillet can fry up eggs and bacon each morning. Shop at Aldi = $10/day for food = $50.
A very general cost of $335 for 5 days of budget hunting public land in SD, with a 2 man limit nearly each day. Eating out and nice hotels can skyrocket that cost in a hurry.
If you want to get real technical, you could eliminate the $50 food cost, because if I stayed home I would still have to eat anyways. And I would be eating from the grocery store anyways, so the food cost is the same whether I take the trip or stay at home. Eliminate the food cost and it is $285 for 5 days of great hunting.