Lessons learned

she honestly tried to have me expelled 7 years after i graduated. i was in the school and she thought i was still a student.

wow Blackcloud, You must have messed up your karma. How did Chistmas go, for that 7 years? hope you did alright. :D
my brother thought it would be funny to give me a lump of coal candle.

i rewrapped it the year later and gave it to him.... lol.
Never flyfish near cliffs, with swallow nests, on them.

Don't flyfish the snake river, during the moose rut.

Never shoot ducks or geese, that are coming in hot, in front of you, unless your prepared to duck.

Never go hunting with a friend, who's truck is in worse repair than yours.

Always check the truck twice before leaving home for gun and ammo.

Never fall for a friends line, "hey you gotta try this hot knew load of mine."

If your dog leaves the field , with it's tail between is legs, at mach 5. Don't look to see what scared him. Just run......

Whats the story about the moose rut? I'm dying to hear it:)
Did the dog get scared by Bigfoot?:D
Whats the story about the moose rut? I'm dying to hear it:)
Did the dog get scared by Bigfoot?:D

the moose thing, Is I run into pair of bull moose with a serious hard on for each other, I was in the wrong place at the totaly worng time. I had to dump my pole and climb a big tree. Not a big foot, Momma black bear, and cubs. Momma didn't have a sense of humer. Thank god for pepper spray. That dog was freaked out for months. All this crap happened during fishing trips. Exept the hunting part, That was my bad.:D
Never trust your buddy when he says the electric fence is turned off.

Back story...

Buddy and I were going fly fishing on the creek in his uncles pasture had to cross 2 fences both electric. He turned the fences off in the barn before we left but his uncle had gone into the barn and noticed they were off he just simply turned them back on. my arm hurt the rest of the day.

It also hurts when you run into them at night when the party ends abruptly.:cheers:

And cow tipping is not possible.
when moving into a new house and you enlist your buddies to help leave the beer at the store until you are done moving YOU AND YOUR STUFF WILL FAIR ALOT BETTER in the end
When i was a little boy my parents got me a toy poop speader for my birthday. well being young and having some much wisdom i put 2 and 2 together and decided since it was a poop spreader i had to poop in it. Your parents do frown upon this