Am I reading this wrong? I thought a general rule is the more clothes the shorter the length of pull.I’ve got guns that range from 14.25”-15”….I’ll put a slip on leather pad for early season hunts with my shorter guns, but come pheasant season, regardless of temp, I default to a few auto’s that are about 14.5” and all is good…I guess I can function with a range between 14 3/8”-15”, but in cold weather I do think 14 3/8”- 14.5” is a good LOP….
I‘m usually closer to 15” LOP in Sept for Sharptail/huns, and by pheasant opener I’m probably around 14.5” mostly due to gun choice, and I stay there for the rest of pheasant season. I can shoot guns 14.5-15” no matter what, but I try to stay closer to 15” when it’s warm and I’m just wearing a thin shirt. My doubles are generally 15” LOP, as I had them tweaked to that length with recoil pads. My auto’s are standard LOP from factory, around 14.5”. I have a few doubles I havent tweaked, and will use slip-on leather pads to increase LOP, unless I’m wearing extra clothing. My Parker Repro 28 gauge is 14.25”, I always put a slip-on pad on that, as it’s usually early season when using that gun.Am I reading this wrong? I thought a general rule is the more clothes the shorter the length of pull.