Active member
Sorry Gents it is , or was not a Rooster hunt unfortunately!!! Having some Back Surgery Wed for 3 herniated discs so I just can't walk very much or far!!! Went out to the River to jump some geese and I just plain suck!!! There were 6 geese there and my buddy pushed them right at me!! Couldn't of been 6 feet high and 8 feet away from me and I just suck!!! Way to close with BBB !!!! Should of had 3 maybe 4 as I got off 4 shots ( Quick to load) I was just in front by a couple inches because I did scratch one and blew his beak right off!!! Looking forward to next season and hope I can be back to walking 8 miles a day for those Roosters!! Hope everyone stays around UPH for the off season!!!:cheers: