19 quarter sections were enrolled in CREP within 4 miles of my land in SD this year, half of it within 1-2 miles…it will take a year or two for the prairie grass stands to grow that were planted. Most of the land has some low areas with cattails, not too much overall…it’ll resemble CRP of 30+ years ago. But I’ve seen some CREP with large cattail sloughs as well…but most of it that I’ve seen is primarily stands of CRP-type grasses that are open to public hunting. Always exceptions, I’d look at all public land in the area you’re hunting…especially if it’s next to picked corn. CRP, and CREP, are mostly farmable acres that have some marginal aspects to them, I would say. WPA’s, by contrast, are usually wet areas that probably haven’t been farmable…too low, too wet, too overrun with cattails. But great thermal cover, especially when frozen. But the 19 quarters that were enrolled in CREP do contain some small/medium portions of low ground on each quarter or half section or full section that are good for the birds…I hunted a number of those spots for most of 2021 thanks to a farmer friend that had hunting rights...those spots were already in CRP. I’m no expert, just have hunted 6 or 8 CREP spots over the past 5-10 years, and have now seen this 3120 acres that just went in. Very lucrative for the landowner, but so is renting it at $200+ per acre. Definitely a good thing…
All that habitat should raise alot of birds