RK Special K
New member
Ok, got it. We'll make sure that it's bought with CASH only! No issuing of bonds to finance it. I think most people would agree that land is better than cash "under the mattress" anyway. Good point.
Why this week, the Lesser Prairie chicken made the endangered species list, look out pheasants who's range intersects the Lesser's home range! Thank heaven the bobwhite is native!
Ok, here we go again. The Ukraine and Russia need a nanny. Oh well, another 2 or 3 billion will take care of it(maybe for a year or 2, max). I'm sure its money better spent than on our own land. NOT!
Does anyone here care what amount of land Russia has? Or what the Ukraine doesn't have? And even if we do, is it our business? Did anyone care(except us) that we were a part of the British Empire or our own country? Did anyone care(except us) whether the Confederate States left the Union? Or that we wouldn't allow them to leave? Even if they did, it was none of their business.
Vietnam is now one big communist country. SO WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Not our business!
Our politicians flunked Priorities 101. All of our elected officials need to be sent to Switzerland for a crash course in Minding Your Own Business 101 also.
I mention this only because it relates to funding good projects here at home for the direct benefit of U.S. Citizens.