kansas hunt pics


went to the hill city, wakeeny area this weekend. most the crops are out and came with with 6 pheasant and 2 quail. i wish i had quail shot in when i shot them. i have never ran into that many coveys before in that area. here a couple of my faviorte pictures of the weekend. Gunner even had his own bed in the hotel. Got to throw a pic of Gunner and the birds with the wheel. if it wasnt for him i would have come home with nothing. Thank Gunner!!!!
and an old school house or something just thought it looked pretty cool to me.
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The building is definately picture worthy. Thanks for sharing the photos and the tale. Yet another good report.....Glad you had a successful trip!
like pictures, I was wondering where you stayed as I was thinking og going to the area sometime.

i usually stay at the western hills motel but they didnt have any rooms that allowed dogs left so i stayed at the schizter hotel or something like that. nice place but kinda weird and spooky about it
I had the same experience with quail in the russell area... We seen more in one day of hunting than I have seen in the last 5 combined.... I was funny jumping a cuvey and having 4 shot in and clipping quail 20 yards out
Great pics
went to the hill city, wakeeny area this weekend. most the crops are out and came with with 6 pheasant and 2 quail. i wish i had quail shot in when i shot them. i have never ran into that many coveys before in that area. here a couple of my faviorte pictures of the weekend. Gunner even had his own bed in the hotel. Got to throw a pic of Gunner and the birds with the wheel. if it wasnt for him i would have come home with nothing. Thank Gunner!!!!
and an old school house or something just thought it looked pretty cool to me.

I see in that picture of your dog he has the same vest that I had been using with my shorthair. Do you have problems with it rubbing and causing lacerations? My GSP has come home with some nasty lacerations from that damn thing.
You said the schwizer SP? motel was a little weird, what so you mean, I called them a couple of days ago to see about a room but they were filled until December 4th they said. I told a friend what you said and he told me" what do you expect from a place build over a grave site. Let me say first this can shovel the BS out, but at times he can be upright and I never know how to read him. I amsure it probably is BS but, anyway was just wondering why you thought the place was weird.
Dog on the Pomeroy Inn Bed?

Did the Pomeroy Inn (Sweitzer (sp?) Inn) allow Gunner in the room?
they said the dog had to stay in his kennel. but i couldnt do it. besides he is a shorthair and doesnt shed all over the place so i thought it would be ok just for a night. and i dont know the place just didnt fell right just had that little spook to it i guess. nice people and ok rooms. i called them on friday night and i had a room for sat. night and i was the only one there
OH and this was the first time gunner had the vest on. i thought that the vest held up pretty good. hunted him a full two days and yeah it rubbed him raw but not as bad as the other vest i've tryed. in my opinon the positives definetly weigh out the negatives.
Great pics & story. Some of those old buildings seem to be just standing there posing, waiting for someone to stop & take their picture.
I was in that area as well (a bit north & east) & going back after Thanksgiving. Some beautiful country around there.

i love the older buildigs like that. and am thankful the land owners dont demolish them and just farm around it. and as far a abandend farm steads i'm sure seeing alot more of them everytime i go out to ks. whats going on over there?