Kansas Badger don't care!

kick them up

Active member
Well after 20 yrs I finally can toe to toe with a Badger this mornng at the farm:eek:.
The wife and I were driving in this morning and I saw him or her on the mowed path I made. I got to about 10 ft and then it ran into the brush. It was cool but "I don't need no stinkin Badgers" especially with the dogs on the ground. Sorry no pics it all happened too fast.
A few years ago, I came toe-to-toe with a badger, and it will get your blood pumping for sure. In my case, Daisy the GWP, pointed into its den and so it came out to see her kind of "growling". Dog and badger were nearly nose to nose when I walked up. I had one hand on my shotgun (pointed at the badger's nose) and grabbed the dog's collar with the other hand and backed outta there.:eek: Fortunately the stand-off ended without incident. No harm to the dog, badger, or me.:D It took a while to walk off the adrenaline though...

It survived at least that season, because I think MR BYRD found it the following season in the same place, and had about the same experience I did.
Never came toe-to-toe with one, but did find a dead one in a WIHA out in western Kansas 2 years ago. Pretty neat to look at having never seen one. Brother in law lives in south central Kansas and has seen several in the last couple of years. I never realized Kansas even had them until I saw the dead one.
they are all over kansas, they will rip a dog to shreds in a heartbeat. my pp pup pointed one long ago in a stubblefield, luckily he turned away, as did the badger.
I had a run in with one dove hunting a few years ago. The badger had my dove.
We had a brief conversation about who's dove it was, then me being a nice guy let him keep it. :rolleyes:

They are not to be taken lightly.
I had a dog point a badger while prairie chicken hunting. Probably the best looking point of his life. We had either 5 or 6 dogs on the ground, they all came over to inspect. Boy, that was a butt-puckering situation. All escaped unharmed, even though the badger took a nice swipe at one dog.
Had a badger come straight at me a few years back while turkey hunting. Sitting on the ground with my back to a tree watching him was quite interesting until he came at me. I moved my gun in his direction and I don't know what his intentions were but when he got about 4' from my feet that was close enough and I smoked him.
When I was a youngster on the farm one tangled witth our German shephard behind the chicken coup and it was one hell of a fight and I think the badger was winning until my dad showed up with his old 12 gauge and ended it. Also got cornered by one in the haymow moving hay when I was around 12 which scared the hell out of me and another one a year later in the cattle shed which my brother drilled. They are mean, nasty fighting machines.
they are all over kansas, they will rip a dog to shreds in a heartbeat. my pp pup pointed one long ago in a stubblefield, luckily he turned away, as did the badger.

Four of my Puds killed one in my back 40 one year. It was not huge, probably a "yearling" and only one dog got bit. I do not think one dog could have handled it.
Three weeks ago 3 of the Puds killed an average size coon rather quickly tho one had a good bite thru the ear and another a few scars on the face.
Four of my Puds killed one in my back 40 one year. It was not huge, probably a "yearling" and only one dog got bit. I do not think one dog could have handled it.
Three weeks ago 3 of the Puds killed an average size coon rather quickly tho one had a good bite thru the ear and another a few scars on the face.

my kind of dogs........:)
my kind of dogs........:)

That's what I was thinking too!

I trapped a big boar raccoon last Fall that had been snooping around the chicken coop. He was in a big box trap that was designed for trapping raccoons. He mangled up every mechanical part of that trap until it was almost unrecognizable. It probably took an hour or more to get all the parts straightened back out and reassemble it. (luckily I had another trap to use as a reference) Those little buggers are unbelievably strong and fierce when they are cornered!

I doubt my female dogs would take one on. You must have some tough-ass dogs!:thumbsup:
Well, my farmer buddy called said he saw the Badger on the dike of the pond yesterday evening when checkin the beans. Seems the think that he has made his home in the backside of the pond dam. He also said that he saw a hen turkey with young ones following her and the same with a momma quail and her brood:thumbsup:. Hope they make it this week! :(