Just thinking outloud


I know this thought may not be popular with some. How about some kind of money being set aside for habitat or for steam and lake degredation and polution by the fertilizer co. and pesticide companys. After all it there products and there promoting of there products that cause much of the damage. Yes dare I say, a tax that I realize would be passed on to the farmer and the consumer.We hunters and sportsman after all came up with a tax, the pitt-roberts tax to fund wild lands, water and animals, which many times hunters are portrayed as diminshing wildlife insted of actully being the reason many speicies have increased. In this time of plenty " so to speak" for the farmers it maybe a way to show they really are stewards of the land and give something back. Just a thougt!
IMO, GFP is taking hunters license money under somewhat false pretenses. Taking money that's to go to help buy land, keep and maintain as habitat. Then renting it out and doing damage to the habitat. Kind of double dipping. Let us try that, we would be in court faster then one could blink.
IMO, GFP is taking hunters license money under somewhat false pretenses. Taking money that's to go to help buy land, keep and maintain as habitat. Then renting it out and doing damage to the habitat. Kind of double dipping. Let us try that, we would be in court faster then one could blink.
