Ive got a question for you guys,,,,,,,,


New member
Why is it when I go to ultimatehoghunting.com and click on the forum link,,,,It takes me to this site?

I dont see anything about a Hog on here.

Whats up?
i dunno.. i just tried it, and it took me to the actually ultimatehoghunting.com page. soo.. ill have to go with h,h,r on this one.. signs from the man up stairs...
I do not think the forum part of that web site is set up yet.
I got here by way of the duckhunting site. They don't seem to mind me to much so I just stayed. I here Minnesota women are kinda hog like maybe you should post your Hog question in the MN state forum part of the website:D It's just a silly joke guys take no offense please:)
Why is it when I go to ultimatehoghunting.com and click on the forum link,,,,It takes me to this site?

I dont see anything about a Hog on here.

Whats up?

Ahhh... this is an easy one. The owner of this forum and site (webguy), also owns the Ultimate Outdoor Network (which means most likely the rights to the ultimatehoghunting site you were trying to visit). He battles with Coors Light several times a week, and at times loses. He probably inadvertently linked the hog website to our beloved pheasant hunting website, and "viola", case closed. :cheers: