Is It Just Me?

grouchyolddude 'kay boss ;) I'll stop calling a "pot stirrer" if electricshorthair stops calling "idiot".. :D.. [/QUOTE said:
Yeah, you grouchyolddude & electricshorthair (the one who started this whole mess) - you guys better stop calling YOURSELVES names!!! :D :p
Here's my top three ways to stalk'em:

1. By myself WITHOUT a dog - nook and cranny picking - going where my
instincts lead.

2. 2 or 3 of us WITHOUT a dog - creating strategy to cut off escape
routes and driving birds to each other.

3. Walk, flank, and block with 10-20 guys, IF you have LARGE separation
between all hunters(I prefer >35 yards). Nothing rankles me more than
seeing or being a part of a group that are 15 feet from each other or
even closer. These group hunts can be fun but its hard to make them
work right. I hunted with a group of 10-12 one year. We had a guide
with a clip-board. We all understood the battleground - we all knew our
place - and he was serious about separation - we covered a LOT of
habitat and put up lots of birds - he MADE it work right! - and we ALL
had loads of fun.