I've mentioned this before, but pheasants are not a priority except for maybe in South Dakota. Every other state prioritizes deer populations, habitat, and deer hunting over everything else. Why? Because it has the most participants and generates the most revenue.
I would also like to point out with the political will power, you can make a significant difference. Here in MN, the mandated buffer strips along waterways like rivers, streams, creeks, and ditches has made a remarkable difference. It was mandated by a Democratic governor about 10 years ago and it was required in stages over the years until it became a full state law. There was a lot of push back from the agriculture industry. Big Ag hates it initially because it takes land out of production. But it has added a lot of miles of habitat for various types of wildlife, pollinators, and greatly increased water quality as a result.
Just think of what would happen to bird numbers if other states implemented this. Bird numbers in a state like Iowa would explode solely based on the addition of habitat. But it requires state legislation, phased implementation, and enforcement though.