If you are buying an pup, with it's puppy immunity, it takes maturity, around six months for the pup to be immunized properly. They will require it, most get two shots about 3 weeks apart anyway, now you'll have three, maybe four. No we have states telling us that a 3 year vaccine, needs to be repeated annually, and by the way, we are to stupid to do it yourself. I don't assume anybody is clueless, mean spirited and poorly coached, possibly. Just that a three hour border crossing, sitting with the druggies unloading their car, while little kids look through the window and wonder what you did, all because you don't have the proper form or clearances, is discouraging! I would never sneak across a border, which is why I let the airline do the transportation problem. The breeder should know this, and the airline will be glad to help them with requirements. Then you have to make arrangements to pick it up, at your local airport. Not cruising across Canada with a pup. which might be pleasant....but sometimes not, I guess I have traveled a lot, I really don't like the gestapo border crossings, even with Canada. Just giving a different perspective. 40 years ago I would have, after countless fishing trips and field trials up there, I let the airline handle the import, can't with horses and dogs. Small pup you bet.