I did it

Thats right me and the slowest computer on earth did what insanity hannitys hot blonde couldn't do:eek: got on the gov. healthcare website:thumbsup: And it was fast and easy and boy are the rates good:eek: Nobody tried to take my guns, and the world didn't end. I did get a warning that some A$$ in tight colonial pants looking like goerge washington might come and get me:D Has anyone else tried? NO ARGUING HERE:)
Mine just went up 40 frickin' Percent as of Jan 1. Guess I will just let it go so everybody else can pay for me!
Thats right me and the slowest computer on earth did what insanity hannitys hot blonde couldn't do:eek: got on the gov. healthcare website:thumbsup: And it was fast and easy and boy are the rates good:eek: Nobody tried to take my guns, and the world didn't end. I did get a warning that some A$$ in tight colonial pants looking like goerge washington might come and get me:D Has anyone else tried? NO ARGUING HERE:)

Laugh out loud. cc your a riot. :eek:
Hey coot, you might spend that time trying to find a site that will help with football picks.:D You might be a buddy and help bleu out too cause I know he is picking denver this weekend:D
Hey coot, you might spend that time trying to find a site that will help with football picks.:D You might be a buddy and help bleu out too cause I know he is picking denver this weekend:D
Hey coot, you might spend that time trying to find a site that will help with football picks.:D You might be a buddy and help bleu out too cause I know he is picking denver this weekend:D

I am undefeated when it comes to picking W and L for the broncos! What are you for the Chef's? That's right, one behind! Chiefs were not going to win them all. Quit being a homer. Can't pick with your heart! Pats are underdogs at home for the first time since 2005. Oh, that is when Peyton came to town as well. Good luck with Phylis Diller. I mean Phillip Rivers. Chief's might be looking ahead to next week!!:D
", all private insurance premiums in the 25 red states that are refusing to expand their Medicaid programs will be 15 percent higher as a direct result of that decision."

Because they play games...you the people suffer for it. Everybody I have talked to in our state. Their premiums went down, some way down and with better coverage.

Works for me:cheers:
", all private insurance premiums in the 25 red states that are refusing to expand their Medicaid programs will be 15 percent higher as a direct result of that decision."

Because they play games...you the people suffer for it. Everybody I have talked to in our state. Their premiums went down, some way down and with better coverage.

Works for me:cheers:

Does it work for you that since July of 2010 Obama new that people were going to lose their insurance and yet he told us all that we could keep what we have if we like it? There is no pixie dust here. If your rates are going down somone else is paying it for you. You can't insure more people and those with high cost pre existing conditions with less money. I have no problem helping people get health care but I do have a problem being lied to period. I am about to have a new hip installed. If I had an Obamacare policy I could not have it done at Mayo where I am choosing to have it done. Not to mention that all your private information will be on a non secure website that is wide open for identity thieves. I will pass on all that thank you.
I can't believe they got people arguing over rates going up:confused: Mine have went up every years since 1996 10 20% when I started carrying health ins. Changed companies 3 times and I have never used it:eek: Thats a syste we could be proud of:)
Don't like being lied to. You should hate all politicians:D Lets see here Bush WMD which got 1000's of GI's killed:(, Clinton i never had, which just got a blue dress stained:D Liked first bush:thumbsup: Reagan nothing trickled down:( I BETTER GO BACK TO PICKING FOOTBALL GAMES:D