Hunting pheasants and Flatulence


New member
It just seems to me that my regular friends have a lot of flatulence or sometimes referred to as "gas". The first time anyone hunts with us they don't seen to have a lot but after they get comfortable with the hunting team then look out. Sometimes it sounds like a a scene in Blazing Saddles when they get to breaking wind, usually occuring after exiting the vehicles at the start of the hunt or and the end of drive. Every now and then I'll hear a shot during a drive and - nope just more flatulence. It's like they are shooting from both ends sometimes.

Do any of you have similar experiences?

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I thought that was caused by my Medications. I do even when I take Tony for his daily run........Bob
Flatulence; Gas; geez in Texas it's just plain old fartin'...cutting the cheese...brown eyed wink...:D; the unfortunate thing is, it's not my buddies breaking wind; it's all those GSP's!
I'm a pretty gassy guy, but my Griffon Wirehair is pushing them out everywhere we go. There must be something wrong with him because he stinks worse than any dog or person I've been around. I'm scrambling to trade in my hatch-back before hunting season!
Any correlation to the age of the hunters?

No doubt that the older I get the more gas I produce. :)

Obviously hunting season can't get here fast enough if we have to start talking about farting!!
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I blame it on my aunt's farm cooking, breakfast at the truck stop on the corner of 12 in aberdeen, and Wild Turkey!
With me, it's massive amounts of food and Coors Light the night before. At age 31 I haven't learned my lesson. Maybe I'll wise up at 40.
All I know is that my dog can knock a buzzard of a sh!t wagon.

1st Example : My wife put a little peanut butter in a kong for gunner and that night he was sleeping next to me on the floor and let one go and it woke me from a dead sleep.

2nd Example : We were sitting in our boat blind I had the heater runner full blast and sitting next to the heater was my wife enough said she tried to blame it on our dog, can you say "duck boat blind dutch oven" I am cursed with flatulence
When I first saw this post, I thought of "Phil" on the Deadliest Catch setting his crab pots where he smelled crab farts...LOL

Thought you were smelling Pheasant farts... hence knowing where to hunt. LOL