jmac - You got that right, Gawd I've had some hairy experiences over the years with long-time hunting adults who were supposed to know better...
As a teenager, I had an uncle swing & level on me down the fencerow in a dove field. All I could do was barely manage to hit the dirt just as he squeezed off the shot at a dove flying eye-level right on the other side of me - a few choice words were exchanged, I left the field & NEVER hunted with that flesh-&-blood relative again!
Had an 80 yr old man just across the property line from us in PA who had been hunting 50-60 yrs...My kids would crawl down out of their treestand shaking in their boots any time that guy was in his. If a deer happened to run across the field between you & him (which happened quite frequently), you could bet that guy would level down & fire away looking right down his barrel at all that head-to-toe hunter orange he had just been observing for the last hour or two glowing like a pumpkin...One time when the idiot had wounded a running deer & we were all trying to help him track it down, he managed to point his rifle at everybody in the circle while we were all standing there talking - it almost cost him his gun smashed in two against a tree!
Another guy named Walter in east TX finally got his tan-deerskin (N# S#) DEER-SNEAKING jacket cut in two with a bowie knife, handed back to him in parts & replaced with something more appropriate by a buddy of mine who is quite the character! DUH, what are some people thinking...
On a not so funny note much closer-to-home - long ago & far away I was hunting a HUGE buck one time that I had been scouting over several hot-scrapes & a fresh fighting/scuffle scene in the sweet potato patch right beside that looked like two mack trucks had plowed up the field and been spinning donuts the size of a football field...Got settled in well be4 daylight. In the low early-morning fuzzy twilight I heard noise & looked thru my scope to see a brown mass + what looked like white tails being shoved back & forth, and one of the scrape bushes right by the previous fight scene shaking around & moving like crazy...Had my finger on the trigger, heart pounding in my throat, watching thru the scope just waiting to see antlers & make out a clear body shape...When it all settled down & clear daylight came, guess who was sitting on the ground right-smack in the middle of that scrape bush??? WALTER in his favorite tan buckskin jacket & highwater pants with white socks!!!

After I just about hyperventilated & passed out from the experience, that's when Walter got his little sermon/what-for & forever lost his proud/trusty little deerskin hunting jacket!

I then went straight down & bought a pair of binoculars and I have NEVER looked around or done my scouting thru a rifle scope again! QUESTION: How many yea-hoos are there out there who would have possibly pulled that trigger???
One more true story (both funny & scary as ____)...A guy took his wife along with him deer hunting for the first time, they were sitting together in a nice comfy double-blind. He shot a buck & got down to field-dress it, leaving her in the comfort of the warm blind. When he came back for her he said, "Oh Honey, you've gotta come see this - he's a huge one!" To which she instantly replied, "I know darling, I've been watching you clean it thru the scope the whole time!"
So yeah, MAYBE not you & me anymore - but there are lots of folks running around out in the woods & across the prairie who need a serious edumacation just-in-case (like defensive driving if nothing else)...
I drilled this stuff into my kids & all of their many friends who I took thru Hunter Safety until they practically hated me for it & rolled their eyes when they saw me coming (but only ONE regrettable can't-take-it-back mistake & you are done when it comes to hunting)! GOOD NEWS: I could already trust my well-proven older son all alone in a red-hot dove field at 12 yrs old under all that mind-boggling excitement, leave him in his own in-sight spot & turn my back on him without a care in the world! Now the younger one, he took a little longer (at 12 I wouldn't have put a gun in his hand if I was holding the other) - but he finally did get it at his own pace & my two sons are now my MOST-TRUSTED hunting buddies!!!
Don't know why I tacked all this onto a simple answer to your question, but maybe there's a youngster or a newbie out there in UPH-land who needs to hear it! Hunter safety classrooms & textbooks are one thing - but things can get awful exciting when roosters are suddenly spraying in every direction & a fellow can lose his head real easy if not extra careful...